So first I wanna say crainer is a beefcake and if you mixed jelly and jordi in a blender and what came out is a girl you would get me no joke I literally have the same eyes as jelly and this is why I will forever be scarred from this realization and I wanna talk about some past obsessions
Ok first off I used to be obsessed with garfield and I still am kinda but mildly and I also used to be obsessed with reaction videos for no good reason and I regret it a lot and I used to be a little obsessed with bts just a little and I am not like that too much cuz I still listen to their music and watch a funny video about them once in a while and I do have a tata phone case and I even have it on my phone right now and that's coolHE LOOKS LIKE A BUNNY AAAAAAAAA
Randomi am bored and i want to e x p r e s s and hopefully i m p r e s s but i doubt it and as you can see i am aaaa... S I M P but thats ok i simp for crainer and jay kay and a little for slogo i know a lot about jamiroquai (where jay kay is from l...