In trouble with space

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Donna's pov

so my wound has completely healed up, the doctor is well happy that it has and that I'm not hurting, we've gone to a couple of places since and it's been a blast, I was having a lay in, it was nice, "Babe!" he said, he'd made me breakfast, I love this timelord, so I ate.

it was nice just us cuddling, "so Spaceman, where to today?" I asked, he shrugged his shoulders, "I can put it to random if you want" he said, I nodded, we kissed, "I love you donna" he said, "I love you too doctor" I said smiling.

so I got up and put on a random blue tee and some jeans, doctor had gotten dressed already, "so where are we?" I asked, he smiled, "Randomized remember" he said, I nodded, "I forgot that" I said, so we walked out of the door hand in hand, it was cold, I hugged against the doctor, he opened his coat, "I'll be back in a minute" I said kissing his cheek, I grabbed a coat from the wardrobe and walked out.

Doctor smiled, "adorable!" he said, so he opened his arm for me to loop mine into, I smiled, "you are trespassing on the planet abalon" a voice said from behind, we put our hands up in surrender, "who are you?" he grumbled, "I'm Donna and this is my boyfriend the doctor" I said, "You don't speak, woman don't speak" another one said, pushing the gun at my back, "Hey, she has every right to speak, she's my girlfriend" doctor said.

I got bashed over the head....

I woke up two hours later, on a cold floor, "Ugh my head" I said holding it, I blinked to get my surroundings, black, "Hello?" I called out, Nothing, just the light in my cell swinging back and forth, "Hello, is anyone there?" I asked, still nothing, I stood up and grabbed the bars to look out of my cell....

still nothing, "Doctor?" I asked, nothing, "Doctor, come on don't scare me like this" I said, "you're precious boyfriend isn't here" it hissed, Gully.... (the audio book the time reaver, the best big finish audio ever!) "I thought you were shot with a time reaver" I said, he hissed again and laughed, "I made it out alive, that fragile thing shot me with a tiny dose" he hissed, "Her name is Kora, she wasn't fragile" I clapped back.

I huffed, What would the doctor do now? I asked myself, He would want answers, I thought again, I wrapped my fist against the bars, "Can someone answer me!" I shouted, "That's not going to get you anywhere" Gully said, "Just pipe it squiddy" I said, I wrapped my hand again, "I WANT SOME ANSWERS!" I shouted again, a woman came in, "what would you like to know?" she asked "One, why am I locked up, two where is my boyfriend and three who the hell are you!" I said.

she laughed, "You trespassed with your precious boyfriend, question two he's with the sargent and question three I'm Bilani" she said, she looked exactly like milliani, "you aren't general Milliani's daughter are you?" I asked, "yes, I'm getting revenge on the woman who got my father jailed" she spat, "well why's gully here?" I asked, "you know this squid?" she asked me.

I nodded, "we've had a bad past, now answer my question, why is gully locked up here?" I asked, "I ended up here, trespassing like you" he hissed, I huffed, "Doctor" I said sitting down, "what you goon?" he asked, I looked at him, I smiled, "where have you been?" I asked, "General Milliani" he said, "he's out of jail?" I asked, "Young Bilani has been lying to you, haven't you?" he asked her, she walked away.

I sat down and he held my hand, "Gully is here" I whispered, "Hello gully!" he shouted, "Doctor!" he hissed, "Now you've riled him" I said, Bilani came back, "General Milliani wants to see the ginger" a guy said, I stood up, kissed the doctor, and went with them, they walked me down the halls....

we stopped off at a metal door that had been rusted over with scratched letters 'donna noble must die' I gulped for the worst, "In you go ginger" he said pushing me, "Alright, I'm going" I said, I walked in, "Maria warback or should I say donna noble" he said, "Hello Milliani" I said, I sat down, "You cost me my place in the space army" he growled, "you were using time reavers on innocent men, you stitched us up, so it was meant" I said, he punched me, I cried out in pain, he started kicking me, "DONNA!" I heard the doctor's voice, "STOP I'M PREGNANT!" I called out, he looked at me, "Pregnant?" he asked, "PREGNANT, WOOO I'M A DAD!" Doctor said.

I smiled, "At least someone's happy, now, release me and my boyfriend and shoot gully for me" I said, he nodded, "Yes mam" he said, so I got back to the cells, "go on open his cell" I said, he did and we hugged, "You're pregnant?" he asked me, "no....sorry to burst your bubble it was just to stop milliani" I said, trying not to smile, "Donna noble, stop it now, I can see that smile" he said, I laughed, "Okay, I'm pregnant, I found out last week" I said we hugged.

so we got back to the tardis, "you better tell your mum" he said, I gulped, "she's going to be mad" I said, "Come on just call her!" he said, I dialled the number, "Hey don, how is everything?" she asked, "Great, listen, can you take a seat?" I asked, it sounded like she did, "Now what's up?" she asked, "You are going to be a grandma" I said, "Donna that's amazing news!!!" she said, "DAD OUR GIRL IS PREGNANT!" Mum shouted, I could hear gramps cheering, "Congrats!!!" they both said smiling.

Doctor grabbed the phone, Donna noble you are creating a life with a timelord....

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