Reborn as underswap sans!?

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Welp...I died..oh well I knew I was going to die sooner or least I got to watch some undertale comics and movies from YouTube before I went.

I thought feeling happy about that, but then I woke up to a bright light and flinched. I closed my eyes and a few seconds later I peeked one of them open, the light wasn't as bright anymore, which relieved me and I opened my eyes wide to look around.

Hmm...I wonder what my status is? I thought and then something appeared in front of me.


Alive, reborn as underswap sans, has gained gamer abilities


These abilities are unrelated to the story/game, you can do whatever you want, either by protecting others or killing them, your status won't be shown to anyone but your health, DF, AT might be shown if you are checked, do you want to see more?

Yes Or No

I stared at the status for a I gained a gamer abilities? How did that happen? I thought curiously staring at it. I'm going to check out the rest I thought, mentally clicking the yes button.

Yes Or No

You have clicked the yes button, we shall show you the next part.

Abilities given- super heal, grand heal, fire magic, gamer abilities, the safe point, the reset point, the load point, the power of determination, the ability to be able to get pregnant if you chose, (even though you already can, it will just be easier for you) etc, there will be more abilities added on later

Your weapons are your magic, gaster blaster, karma, blue attack, red attack, orange attack, any weapon you may chose, your hammer, etc

You Lv is not LOVE or otherwise known as level of violence, this Lv is the level you gain from doing things, either by taking your first steps, learning how to clean, reading books or anything, however for each level you gain, it will be harder to level up each time after you level up to ten.

But for each level you gain, your stats will go up, so it's worth it right?

You can check the rest out now or later,

Yes Or No

I exited out of my status for right now, I can chose to check the rest of it at a later point.

I thought and I looked around again to notice another skeleton..hmmm is that papyrus? Or gaster? I thought and to my surprise it is gaster. He walked over to me with a smile on his face.

"So your awake sans! I'm happy that your here, I can't wait for you to meet your older brother." Gaster said and picked me up.

I stared at wide eyes at him, or was it wide eye sockets? I thought curiously.

Hmmm I wonder if I have anything that could prevent my gaster from falling into the core? I shall check it out sometime tomorrow, the sooner the better. I thought as gaster continued to move until he stopped at a door to open it and head inside.

"Papyrus." Gaster said with a smile.

Papyrus looked up at his dad, "yeah pops?" Papyrus said.

"Meet your new little brother." Gaster said and bend down to show me to papyrus who looked at me startled and surprised along with curiosity.

"New little brother?" Papyrus started out.

"Yes, isn't he adorable? Just like how you were when you were a babybones as young as sans is." Gaster told papyrus and I looked back and worth for a bit.

I just looked at papyrus for a few seconds before a giggle escaped me and papyrus perked up a little bit, getting up to head my way.

Papyrus picked me up and I reached out to his face, gently touching his cheek before I let out another giggle and papyrus smiled down at me.

I yawned, feeling tired, I'll have to check the rest on what it said when I wake up, I thought and closed my eyes to sleep.

Finished with 724 words. Hope you like and comment what you think.

Ja ne~!


Uh I haven't done it with a game like before so don't mind me if I forget or anything...

This is my video down right here⬆️, lol hope you like it if you watch it.

Reborn as underswap sans with gamer abilities..Where stories live. Discover now