Chapter Two: Meeting A Teen Stoplight

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Jessica jumped out of the car as soon as it stopped moving, desperate to know where she was. She looked around her as the others including 'Batman' got out of the car. They appeared to be in some sort of cave with lots of high tech gadgets and tools. Matt stiffened and said, "Who is coming down that hallway? Friend or Foe."

Batman listened closely to the incoming muttering between what appeared to be of a boy and he responded shortly, "The other person who I work with."

Suddenly from one of the many halls, a stoplight appeared. "Who's the minny stoplight?" Jessica asked.

The young boy who looked like a living stoplight looked up with an irritated look on his face, then looked at Batman, then back at us. "You know, it's rude to stare," Luke said hardly keeping track of his straight face and attempting not to laugh at what Jessica had said.

"You know, it's rude to call people 'minny stoplights'." The boy responded with a huff.

"Ok, who's the small stoplight?" Jessica refrained her question with the boy gasping in anger.

"That is Robin, my protege," Batman responded in the same tone. "Robin, they will be joining the Young Justice team. No questions asked."

"Fine." The boy huffed out in irritation. "What do they even do?"

"I can jump high and I'm strong. Luke here is bulletproof and has super strength. Danny can make his fist glow and it becomes hard as iron. He also is kinda like a ninja, just less secretive. Daredevil can hear and smell things from far away and he can fight off like twelve guys at once. Daredevil doesn't like people to know his name. Oh, and listen Stoplight, we made a deal with your boss here. We help him, he helps us. As soon as he does, we're out of your hair. Got it?" Jessica finished menacingly.

The boy looked unimpressed until he noticed the ring that adorned Jessicas left ring finger. "Your married?!" He screeched.

"Wow. Blow my eardrums while you're at it." Matt muttered under his breath. "I have super heard from you, oafs. Stop yelling for $!*@^ sake!"

"Watched the language Devil Boy! We have a child present!" Jessica exclaimed in a soft tone. This group had been through a lot together.

"I will have you know that I am thirteen!" Robin whisper yelled, "What are you? Sixteen?"

"Were not going to tell you anything about us," Danny responded giving a knowing look to the other Defenders. "All you get to know is what we want you to know."

Robin walked off muttering to himself. "You're walking the wrong way. We are going to introduce them to the Young Justice team." Batman told him gruffly.

Robin, still muttering, turned around and began walking back towards us. He hopped into the front passenger seat of the... Batmobile and told them, "Sorry, it might be a bit of a squeeze."

Jessica smarted back at him, "Oh that's fine. I can just sit on Lukes's lap." The four Defenders walked over to the car and got into the squished positions before it started, going to somewhere over the rainbow.

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