chapter twenty

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"And we will take it slow, there is no rush for the babies." Ibrahim's words from the other night suddenly rang in her ears as she ate her breakfast. He said those words right after Ameen's silly teasing about nieces and nephews. She being the fool she was, went crazy overboard without thinking properly and snapped at him rudely. Even though they had different opinions, she shouldn't have disrespected him like that.

It's been a day now. They both haven't been talking with each other. Sometimes she feels so unfit and immature to be a wife. But Mawra was determined to handle this issue with care now. Maybe she was harsh and rude that day, but she did have a valid point. She was strong in her opinions. She is not yet prepared to be a mother and she will make it clear to her husband in the most polite way possible.

Her body stiffened as she eyed Ibrahim sideways, who was eating his breakfast silently without talking anything. He felt her intense gaze upon him but remains unfazed. The appetite to eat breakfast was gone and Mawra's heart began to thump rapidly at her actions.

She felt so damn guilty and mad at herself for losing her compose that easily. What if he refused to talk with her again? A thought came across her mind which made her cough vigorously. The food got stuck in her throat and she felt the sudden uneasiness inside her body.

"Drink this." Ibrahim's concerned-filled voice made her heart squeeze in pain as she drank the water and her coughs decreased rapidly. She gave him a small guilty smile, but he just nodded blankly and started eating his breakfast.

The family observed this exchange but chose to stay out of it. They strictly follow the rule of staying out of married couple's fights. According to Salika, husband and wife should sort their issues on their own and should never let a third person into their fights.

The breakfast went on silently and none of them spoke a word making the atmosphere more tensed.


"This heroine always hurts the hero, auntie." Mawra huffed in annoyance, as they sat in the library and discussed the book plot which both of them have finished reading the week before. They mostly spend Saturdays on reviews. Salika smiled in understanding and squeezed her hands, "no one is perfect in this world dear, we all make mistakes."

"But why did the hero forgave her every single time?" "Will that happen in real life as well?" It was so stupid yet she couldn't stop herself from asking. Of course, she knows books and reality are poles apart. And not everything mentioned in books is going to be real, yet she wished it to be real. She wished to be those perfect good girl type of person who is always so kind and understanding, unlike her.

"He forgave her because she was sincerely sorry and he loved her so much to stay mad at her."

"He loved her," Mawra mumbled under her breath as she shut the book close and gave a helpless look to her mother-in-law, who watched her with amusement.

"There's also another important lesson we should learn from this book." Salika paused for a second and continued only when Mawra was listening to her keenly.

"They both could sort out their issues every single time only because they talked about it. There was a time period where they just chose to ignore each other for days." Mawra wasn't sure if they're discussing the book or her life. Both of them look very similar though, she just nodded her head and Salika continued, "but when it goes unbearable they'd talk it out and the hero would forgive her. The key solution here was talking. You shouldn't wait until you can't bear the silence though. The heroine learns it later on."

"Communication is an important key to every happy relationship, Mawra. You shouldn't let your ego come in between fights." She nodded her head with a small understanding smile.

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