chapter five

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Making friends in her office has been the toughest job for Mawra as there would always be a change in staff, maybe not always but replacement of staff takes place more than any other company in the Qureshi enterprise. Courtesy; her boss' temper and his weird habit to fire people whenever he wanted to. 

But like her, there are few who has been working here for long years, few very hard working people indeed. Ibrahim liked the hardworking staff. He appreciated them and their efforts. And Adnan Sheikh was one of those staff. He was the advertising manager of this company. Has a solid five years experience and was one of the senior staff, 29 years old. Everyone's favourite. Biggest flirt. And also Mawra's friend, unfortunately. 

"Hey, Mawra." she lifted up her head to see a very cheerful Adnan, standing inside her cabin, "hey?" clueless as to how he entered here in the first place, Mawra greeted him politely. 

"Are you not happy to see me? I thought we were best friends." he faked hurt, making her chuckle. " stop being dramatic, Adnan. What do you want? I'm kind of busy here." Mawra almost groaned at the workload she had. 

"When are you not busy? Anyways, It's lunch break already. Close that stupid laptop and join us in the canteen." Adnan grinned at her, but her eyes widened at the word lunch. Oh no, she was supposed to submit one file half an hour ago. Ibrahim was going to be so mad, she bit her lips in irritation and ran out of her cabin, with the file in her hand. 

Ibrahim like expected was immersed in work, having a deep conversation with the managers of other branches in the video call. He looked up to see her, who was breathing unevenly. Taking slow steps, she placed the file on the table and observed his conference meeting. Looking at the time, he frowned a little bit. Because it was time for her lunch. 

"You can go." he mouthed to her, to which she sighed. Glad to be not scolded by him for not being punctual. He needed that file half an hour ago, the conference meet required it. But why didn't he call her earlier? Mawra wondered to herself, as she walked out. 

As she opened his office door widely, Ibrahim could see her being dragged by a guy of his age. She didn't do anything to make him stop rather followed him along, with a shake of her head as a smile played on her lips. 

He clenched his fist in fury, not liking that sight at all. Its been a few days since his family's visit to her home. Six days to be precise. Mawra was yet to give her reply, but he has already fixed her as his to-be wife in his mind. Somewhere deep down he felt that it'd happen. Trust your intuition they said, that's what he did. 

But seeing her close with some random guy, made him realize how possessive he could get and that was making him feel so stupid. What if she straight away rejected his proposal or what if she hates him for giving a truckload of works and didn't want to marry him in the first place? Thoughts like this began to cloud his mind and he no longer paid attention to what the managers were talking about.

"Let's end this here, enjoy your lunch break everyone." without waiting for their responses, he ends the call and walked out of his office and looked for her. Knowing that it was lunchtime and she'd probably be in the canteen, Ibrahim walked into the elevator, the one which is specially reserved for him and his family. 

Walking into the office canteen only increased his rage, his advertising manager was all heart eyes for Mawra, as he joked with her and made her laugh. That guy was really efficient and talented in his work, but the way he was looking at her made him want to punch that guy in the face. 

What the hell was wrong with him? He had no idea. 

As he walked towards them, he heard Adnan saying, "I wanted to ask you something." to which Mawra raised her brows in curiosity. 

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