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Hello cutiesss...☺

Hope all you bitches are doing nice?🥵

You see that...
Yes ofcourse you see it

Using such a positive word in starting and then cussing within a blink of second ....

Yup that's what my personality is
A good nerd  and  badass bish...

No no ,I ain't BIPOLAR for sure but my two personality traits had me doubting sometimes...

At one point , I will  possess like this care‐free IDGAF type of aura and then  start with overthinking all the negative  damm thought from about ages ago only the second moment....

This ain't a disorder...
Just my usual self . I posses like infinity different personalities and no it's not about being a filter person...

My mood goes on like from listening to "Travis and Drake songs" to "Arjit and KK songs" within a minute without anything happening around me lol

At a moment I want my dream prince  with Bollywood music playing in background and then I am like wtf bro,just focus on your career and be independent...

In basic a very moody person but apart from being moody ,it's about my personality also

Like I can be the wiset also  and behave like the dumbest douchebag ever also...

Just a crazy piece of mess......

Ya,I love using such adjectives for me

By the way I am a very self‐obsessed feeak so ya listening to praises and hyping upslef in my own mind is also my trait ....

Taking a leave now ..
Go and focus on your work you all...
Also enjoy your life to the fullest cause you got only one


*dispersing you all by whispering sweet nothings in your ears*🤍💥

This chapter is  very short one I know 🤧but bear it ...

Also I am dedicating this chapter to PositiveWeirdo 🥺she is so sweet and like the only one who has supported me so far 🥺❤

Bye humans❤💥

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