Chapter 1

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Him!?!?!? why him?! (I whispered in Akari's ear). Boy its a long story she said. Oh hi Haru how are you? (Makoto talking). I'm fine thank you for asking. Well this was fun I'm going to the library now. BOY YOU PROMISED! (Akari talking). UGH FINE! (Haru talking). instead of eating or talking I leaned my head on the table and started listening to their conversation. As all don't know this Makoto guy is the number one playboy in school. So... Akari are you coming to my party later tonight? wait what? please don't say yes Akari.. (I thought to myself). Of course I'm coming I'm not gonna miss it (Akari talking). You can bring Haru there if He agrees with it (Makoto talking).Of course I'm gonna bring haru I promised right haru?(Akari talking). F*ck i knew it (I thought to myself). Ok when Akari promised something she's never gonna break it and I when that Makoto guy said that she can bring me I got scared. As you know I'm not that type who is sociable with others. The bell rang once again and finally it was class time. I was planning to ignore Akari until tomorrow but... well its Akari...


When school was over I was heading over to my book club. Instead Akari dragged me to her house. Because she was scared that Her *crush* might be there. She convinced me to go to the party by bribing me that she will take me to Anime Con 2020 and she will buy me the new limited figurine female and armored titan. That figurines was sold out when it was released but opportunities will come in Anime Con because she knows someone that will sell the figurines. Anyways She take forever for picking an outfit that will impress her crush. And I was like Oii what am I even gonna wear? She hand me his brother's clothes and it was a grayish jacket with black jeans. And my outfit was all set. Wait why am I even scared about my outfit? after a few hours later She was all ready. Until her older sister barge in and said... Hey sis can I borrow your cha- WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WEARING?!?! GO TO THE CLOSET AND I'M GONNA PICK THE PERFECT CLOTHES FOR YOU(Akari's sister talking). F*ck another hours will pass again (I thought to myself). finally they are finally done she ended up wearing a cute little skirt with black high heels. We finally got out of the house but before we go the party we are gonna go to my house because I didn't told my parents that I was heading out and I don't have my phone with me. When I got to my home Akari waited outside and I went in to go and get my phone but only my Older sister was there so I told her that I was going out. She was fine with it since I was an introvert. I got my phone and got out and we finally are on our way to the party.


We arrived at the party  not to late and not to early. Makoto was standing on the door greeting those who are entering. He greeted us and let us in... Wow! there are so many people here (Akari talking). Well yeah its a party (Haru responded). Most of the guests are girls because well you know Makoto is a playboy. I sat on the middle of the couch puts my headphones on and started watching anime. Akari was finding her crush in the middle of the crowd. While I was watching Makoto sat right beside me and asked where Akari is I ignored him at first but he took my headphones off and asked me once again. Haru where is Akari at? (Makoto asking). Looking for someone (Haru responded). We sat there for a while and when Akari came back she and her crush started dating like wait wtf!?!?? I dragged her in Makoto's backyard and I started scolding  her. She was so dramatic and started crying I asked her Are you a 4 yrs old? WHY THE HELL ARE YOU CRYING!?!?! after I was scolded her she ran to her "new boyfriend". I texted her that  I was going home. I told Makoto that I was leaving wait why am I telling him that we are not even friends. Anyways I told him that I was going home and He insisted that He will take me home. He took his jacket upstairs. While walking towards my house but suddenly we passed by a convenience store and Makoto insisted on going inside to treat me. He bought me my favorite snack and drink. HOW THE HELL DID HE KNOW MY FAVORITE SNACK?  after a few minutes we walked out of the store and started walking towards my house. I became so curious so I asked him "Makoto, How did you knew my favorite snack and drink?" He responded with shrug. We finally arrived at my house and my sister opened the door and said "Wuzzup bish..." She pushed me to the house and introduced herself to Makoto "Hi I am Hanako and if you're dumb call me Hana I'm Haru's older sister so.. before I ask your name" She whispered in makoto's ear "Are you dating or something?" Makoto indenial said "n-no. ugh ew!" He blushed a little. But little did they know Haru was already upstairs. Hanako invited Makoto inside and she walked to the kitchen to make tea for him. While they are downstairs Haru was reading laying inside his room A few minutes had passed Makoto said goodbye to Hanako and Hanako shouted "HARU GET DOWN HERE AND SAY GOODBYE TO MAKOTO" When Haru arrived down stairs Makoto had already left He noticed something on the floor and it was Makoto's wallet. Haru immediately run outside hoping that He will catch up to Makoto. He saw Makoto walking on the street. "Makoto!!" Haru shouted while panting. Makoto pulled Haru in a alleyway and said "Haru I like you" He immediately kissed Haru. Haru was so shocked that He pushed Makoto away and Started running.


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