Chapter XVII: "Date Night"

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Jim's Pov

All night I couldn't sleep so I headed down to the pool to relax a bit. Johnny, Simon, and Kunal are already sleeping, and as usual they sleep on my place but now I let them sleep in a guest room.

I pulled my shirt off and just had my boxers short, then dive into the pool. I relax there and look at the stars out in the sky in the middle of the night thinking about Mayim.

Is this gonna be awkward afterwards??

Should I tell her tomorrow about on how I really feel about her?

I miss her so much, I wish I can see her

Then I realize, maybe I can really go and see her! Well she is in Kaley's place but still I can still go and see her. I got out of the pool, then headed upstairs to dress myself. After that I grabbed my keys and drove to Kaley's place.


Mayim's POV

It was the middle of the night and I still cant sleep, my head was full of Jim and thoughts for tomorrow

What if I mess up??

Is he really gonna take me out like really??

I cant still believe I am going out on a date with Jim Parsons
I really Love Him, and I really missed him. I wish he is beside me right now to cuddle me up to sleep.
Urghhhh, even if he is going to take me out on a date I cant still get my head out of the girl he likes. There is a possibility that it is me there is also a chance that it is not me, urghhhh.....

I went outside to get some fresh air then my phone ding

Jim: Hey Mayim! sorry to wake you up but I am outside Kaley's place. Um can you come out for a sec?

My heart race again, so I went down and headed to the front gate which is huge by the way. I opened the door and I saw Jim

"Jim?" I said
he looked at me and said "Mayim!" spreading his arms to hug

His masculine arms, the arms I missed to be with, his hugs are one of the best hugs I have ever receive


Mayim pulled back and said

"Is there something wrong Jim?? Why do you have to come here in the middle of the night??"

I looked at her with a happy face, cause I am happy that I saw her. But she is looking at me with a confusion look so I gotta tell her something

"Well can I take you away from this place? like just for a minute so that we can talk"

She stared at me and said

"Wait why?? If there is something just please tell me"

I gaze unto her eyes and said
"Just trust me on this" then I offered her my hand

She held my and trusted me so I am really happy, I opened the car door for her and drove off

"Jim what happened, where are we going???" she asked

"You'll see just sit back and relax there" I said smiling

After a few minutes of driving I arrived at an open field, I opened the car for Mayim again and open my trunk to carry a nice comfy blanket.

I let Mayim sit down and I sat beside her

"So are you gonna tell me what's going on now??" she asked

"Well I just really wanna spend time with you" I said

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