Chapter 1

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AN: Hi folks! How are you all? Sorry for not updating anything since christmas, I had a reeeeeally stressful time, all that schoolstuff at the end of term. Anyways, now I have time again to write, and hell do I write. I'm gonna try and continue with "If only you knew", the potterlock fanfiction soon. But for now, I've done a roleplay with a very good friend (thank you so much Tomka) and then this happened. It is similar to "A finger slip" by pawtal, that is where we got the main idea for this. Tomka wrote Sherlock, I wrote John. 
It's teenlock, they are best friends who share a dorm at school and text while John is away for a rugby match over the weekend. And of course, it'll be Johnlock sometime. 
This will be some chapters long, it's gotten really huge! And I love it so much.
Please enjoy reading and leave a comment if you like! I'll stop rambling now. 
~ Pockethobbit (who changed his name from Allie to Pockethobbit, don't get confused.)

Saturday, 17th January
Sherlock, John



I'm bored.

Didn't you tell me about that eyeball experiment you wanted to do only ten minutes ago?

It exploded...together with the microwave.

Oh for god's sake. You know Mrs. Hudson hates it when you blow up the school cafeteria.
By the way I told you that you could come with me to the rugby weekend.
Not my fault if you didn't come along.

I'm hiding from her, don't worry.
And you know that I'm busy. My parents are throwing this ridiculous party.

Hiding won't help. She has the magical ability to detect rebellious students, I have no clue how. Yeah, I know, the party. When will you get there?

That's ridiculous. There is no such thing as magical abilities.
A few hours. Why do I have to do such things? I could spend my time with far more interesting and important things.

Yeah, well, she can do it anyway.
Because it's your mother's birthday, Sherlock! Everybody attends their mother's birthday.


I'd rather spend my time at yours.

I'd rather you spend your time at mine too. :)

Really, John? Smiley faces now? What are we, teenage girls?

Well, you behave like one at times with all your drowning in hormones and complaining.

Attention. A life-threatening wink-smiley will burst into your inbox.


If someone here is a teenage girl, then it would be you, with your ridiculous love for cat-videos and jam and those fluffy jumpers.

Oh please, John, grow up, will you?

You said fluffy! Thank god this got documented! I have to send Greg a screenshot of this!

I am growing up! So as you, by the way. If you haven't deleted it.

I never said fluffy and don't you dare to show it Greg, whoever he is. I'm warning you.
Of course I know that, don't be an idiot.

Of course you said fluffy! You called my jumpers fluffy!
And what do you mean "whoever he is"? Don't pull my leg, you know Greg!

Threatening me? Really? What will you do to me?

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