3. Oh no no no, he's confidant

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With the ever increasing number of my rants in your chat, it's pretty evident that I don't think twice before letting it all out in front of you and you've gotten pretty good at the receiving end job as well. Not that you have much of a choice left now, but nonetheless, at least you read all of it, I hope.
Initially, I really used to be hesitant if I should let it all out or not because of various reasons but with time, I started confiding in you to the extent that I stopped even considering how stupid I might sound even in my own head. To conclude the third of the nineteen things I see in you that you don't, you have the world's most rational advices in the world and I have always found ,both you and and your advices , the most reliable.
(Title is a Justin Bieber song if udk :) )

19 Things I See In You That You DontWhere stories live. Discover now