You know when we had this conversation about how we get jealous about a fellow overachiever friend because its basic human nature and we can't really help it. Now that I think about it , I realise that I would really like to make you an exception in this case because I really couldn't ever be jealous of you. I would be so happy ,witnessing you achieve stuff to your maximum potential and really come up at the top because you deserve it all.
It almost feels like it would bring me some sort of joy I never knew I needed in my life to see you achieve epic heights.
So, both today and tomorrow I need you to know that I am your biggest well-wisher and I shall continue to do so, come what may.
To conclude the eleventh of the nineteen things I see in you that you don't,
you've got a ride or die in me and when the slightest discomforts trouble you, count on me thrice.
Footnote- I just have to end these a certain way don't start picking up on logical sentence formation bye.
19 Things I See In You That You Dont
FanfictionHappy birthday my finest friend. Yeah i m not proofreading this because then I'll want to dump this and no thanks bye.