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It isn't any news that no news is new for you. How is it even possible for a person to be updated about sports, politics,celebrities, memes and what not, all at once?
You're actually my key to stay updated with everything and not sound dumb in front of groups. I mean I was easily 50% dumber before I met you, I swear. You help me stay updated about things I usually otherwise wont know. My general knowledge has always been quite poor but thanks to you I do know a lot more than I would if it weren't for you. I am not even exaggerating I think I have learnt way more than you can imagine in the past two years because of you. To conclude the fifth of the nineteen things I see in you that you don't, your head is a giant box of knowledge which I appreciate more than anyone else in your life because information is so underrated and honestly , I find it really impressive.

Footnote: Don't give me shit about the last chapter -giving but I know my height logic-.

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