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"take me back to the basics and the simple life."
- unknown

"Go on, I'm waiting."

I've somehow managed to persuade Amy to let me at least explain my side of the story.
Not likes there's much to explain.
We both got caught up in the moment - I was emotional, she was impatient and it ended wrongfully.

But that's not what she'd want to hear.
My only way out of this is to own up to mistakes I didn't make on my own - one's we both made.

"I want to apologize. The way I reacted was.."

"Rude? Childish? Impolite?"

"Ok, ok. I get it. I was ill-mannered."

She scoffs, tossing her head to the side dramatically.
"I guess you could say that."

I smirk.
"Still your usual theatrical self, I see?"

"Don't go all smug on me. I'm still mad at you."

"Yes, I know." I groan.
"Which is why I'm here to apologize. A - P - O -"

"You don't need to spell it out, damnnit."
Amy's face holds a stern expression, her arms crossed over her chest - but despite the fact that she's trying to remain serious, she slowly breaks. Her face soon cracking with laughter.

I laugh with her, our amused voices matching simultaneously.

For some reason I thought getting my side chick back would be much more complicated, but I sense the lack of seeing each other was eating her alive too.

"You're such a freak, Ivy. You know that?"
She smirks, pushing my shoulder lightly.

"You know you love me."
I slide my hands up my body playfully, doing a little dance when my arms reach the air.

"I do. Which is why I've decided to allow you back into my bubble."

"Your bubble?"

"Yes, my bubble. My space of people I enjoy being around, those who I can trust and devote my love to."
Her face goes grim.
"Don't question it."

And with that, we're back to bursting out laughing.

Man, I missed my best friend.


"I still haven't gotten a full apology from you."

"I couldn't get one out! You wouldn't stop making ridiculous commentary."

I bend down picking up a sparkly, blue cocktail dress.
"How's this one?"

Amy and I have decided to take a much needed girls night at the local club.
Although I haven't convinced myself that I'm ready for love, Amy has made it very clear that she's in desperate needs for a boyfriend.
I tried to tell her that I'm the only one she needs, but she wasn't buying it.

Amy turns to face me, her eyes fixated on the dress.
"Gorgeous. But I want to see it on you."

I sigh, placing the other dresses I had in my hands on the bed.
"You've made me try on every dress I've showed you."

"Because dresses look different on a hanger. Maybe it's gorgeous now, but put it on your body and it could be loose in all the wrong places."

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