Chapter four: The finding

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The next morning Jaylen, Tyrikk, Jaylens mom and dad were at the kitchen table having breakfast.
"8-0 this season so far boys, I must say I'm proud of you both" Jaylens dad said while cutting up his sausage
"Thanks Mr. Roundtree" Tyrikk said. Tyrikk wasn't used to eating breakfast with his family,  he wasn't used to staying in a house on the hills of Los Angeles like Jaylen.
"How'd you boys sleep last night" Mrs.Roundtree asked.
"Good" Jaylen said
"I slept good" Said Tyrikk.
"Tyrikk um.. I thank you for having breakfast with us but we have to have a family discussion. Could you leave please?" Mrs.Roundtree said politely
"Bryson... Family discussion time now" Mrs.Roundtree said anger, she made eye contact with Jaylens dad and it was anger in her eyes.
"Ight, y'all take care... Jay.. Ill see you at practice man" Tyrikk said.
Tyrikk left and drove off.
"Baby.. Last night I um.. I walked in to give
you a kiss... And... You and Ty were laying together, cuddling, his arms were wrapped around you and you were laying on his chest!" Katrina (Jaylens mother) said.
"Mom.. You're overreacting, I'm a wild sleeper and I just fell asleep on his ches-
"I know what I saw Jaylen! Jaylen we are a christian family and I will NOT, I will NOT tolerate homosexuality in my house from my child! MY child, my STAR child!" She said angrily.
"Like I said... You're overreacting, I'm not Gay mom I have a girlfriend" Jaylen said
"You better watch your tone sir, what type of man sleeps on another mans CHEST JAYLEN WITH HIS ARMS WRAPPED AROUND YO- I can't... I can't.. Jaylen get out my face Jaylen.." Katrina said.
Jaylen stood up.
"You know what.. You're right, maybe I do like boys, instead of bashing me and wanting me to be this chick magnet basketball playing ladies man! Why don't you ask me why Ive been depressed ma, you don't even know Tyrikk saved my life last night and he was here making sure I was okay, all you want is me to be your "star" child.. Well it's no more of that, I QUIT AAU BASKETBALL!" Jaylen yelled then walked away. Katrina had a scared look on her face. She was speechless. Jaylens dad ran his fingers through his beard in disappointment.
The same day after practice Jaylen came home, he walked upstairs to his room just so see all of his bags are packed.
"I packed them for you nicely.. I would've taken your game but I didn't buy that so I can't.. Jaylen if you're going to live that lifestyle you cannot be here, you have to go" Katrina said.
"So you're kicking me out because.. I like Tyrikk? And I don't feel the same way about girls anymore?" Jaylen asked with a confused look on his face.
"Yes. Yes I am. Go Jaylen, and I'm keeping the car"
"Mom!" Jaylen yelled
"Don't mom me! I have given you everything and I mean EVERYTHING you've ever wanted and this is how you repay me?" Katrina asked.
"You're sick... You disgust me" Jaylen said as he was walking out.
"Oh yeah? You disgust me too" Katrina said.
Jaylen sat on his front porch and called Tyrikk.
"Hey man.. My mom kicked me out, I need a place to stay can i come stay with you?" Jaylen asked
"Fasho cuz... I'm on my way homie" Tyrikk said.
10 minutes later Tyrikk pulled up in his car blasting his music. Jaylen put all his bags in Tyeikks trunk and backseat. He got in the passenger seat with tears rolling down his face.
"Aye.. My dukes said you can stay for however long you need to. You good bae- I mean you good bro.." Tyrikk said.
"Thanks... Bae" Jaylen said. They looked at each other and it was silence. Tyrikk then put the car and reverse, changed the gear again and drove off.
Weeks go by and Jaylen hasn't heard from his parents at all, however he was having the best time of his life with Tyrikk, they stayed up to 5 am playing the game and having sex, they played ball for hours, they over ate, they even got a job at Wendy's together. It wasn't until one night where things changed.
"Take your clothes off" Tyrikk said.
"Okay" Jaylen said smiling, they both stripped naked. Tyrikk stood up and Jaylen got on his knees and started to suck Tyrikks dick. Tyrikks mom Ty'Shawna walked in
"Have you seen my- OH HELLL NO!" She yelled
Jaylen stood up quick and Tyrikk
covered his dick with a blanket.
"Ma knock"
"NO KNOCK SHIT! I know what the fuck I saw! Both of y'all gay faggot asses get out! Get out my damn house now!" Ty'Shawna yelled. Tyrikks dad Marquez and his brother Tyon rushed in.
"Nigga what? You mean to tell me you in here fucking a nigga?" his dad yelled
Before he knew it he was knocked in the face by his own dad.
"Wait no stop!" Jaylen yelled. Tyrikks brother then sucker punched Jaylen on to the floor.
Jaylen bleeding on the floor. Tyrikk got up and swung on his dad, Tyon and Marquez jumped Tyrikk.
"Get y'all faggot asses out my damn crib" Marquez demanded
"Y'all some pussies on God" Tyon said
Tyrikk grabbed his clothes along side with Jaylen and they left. They had to sleep in the car the first night. The two were sitting in Tyrikks car at the park.
"What are we gonna do" Jaylen asked
"Ion know man..Ion know.."
"I can ask my grandparents if we can just stay with them" Jaylen said.
"Nah.. I wanna be alone with you, we'll be fine these first few nights man.. We got enough money to make us last" Tyrikk said while twisting his hair.
"I love you..." Jaylen said
"I love you too" Tyrikk added.

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