Max meets Qrow, Oh no

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Narrator POV

" Where the Fuck am I?" Max asked when he got up from the floor. 

He looked around and saw that he was on a school yard.

" Listen kid, you should not swear. You are like, what? Eight? What are you doing at a school for future Hunters?" A voice said from behind.

Max turned around to see a guy who looks like a drunk hobo.

Max scrunched his nose and said, "Jeez what fuck happen to you. You look like a hobo and smell like Shit"

The man frowned.

" Oh what? Did I hit a nerve. By the way, I am ten so beat it loser."
" My name is Qrow and you have some manner and anger issues."

" You don't have to tell me twice. My parents suck. I'm max"

" Mhm, my parents suck too. So bad they abandoned me and my twin sister."

" I wish my parents would do that. They neglect me then send me to places so they don't have to deal with me. Does that mean you are homeless?"

" What?! No. I have a job and an education." He showed max his license as a Hunter.

"Is that supposed to mean something. Any  way have you seen Daniel? He promised me some food."

" Is Daniel you're older brother?"

" What no, I would run away if he was my brother. He is the camp counselor and he promised me food."

" Why do you look homeless?"

" Look kid, you will understand when you are older."

" I have seen and done plenty of things already, I got my whole camp to cheer Pussy and have a platypus to be our mascot. And I watched to camp cook fight and kill animals to became to king of the animal kingdom."

Qrow made a surprised face and said, " What kind of camp do you go to kid?"

" One where they claim they can do everything and anything.

" I will help you find you're way back, so don't worry kid."

" Why would I want the homeless to help me? I'm fine on my own."

" Kid, you might get kidnapped. And you might accidentally see some 18+ stuff" Qrow said worriedly.

" Oh, I have already seen some 18+ stuff when I was exploring what I thought was an abandoned building. I have seen with my own two eyes what horny adults do in basements."

Qrows eye's widened, " You know, you are more mature than most adults."

" That's my best quality."

" Why are kids this generation so rude, you guys need to respect your elders."

" It's hard to when they look and act like shit."

" So do you need help or are you good on your own?"

"I am good on my own, I know how to survive thanks to my parents neglecting me."

"Kid just let me help you." 

" No, just give me a school bus and I am good."

" Why do you need a school bus, you can't drive. Do you mean a public bus, if so I could give you money so you could ride."

" What the fuck. No. I may not have a licences to drive but I know how. That is why I am stuck with the terrible excuse of a camp. I have already escaped all the others.

" Thanks for wasting my time, Goodbye." Max said as he walked off.

" Bye." Qrow muttered back Still trying to process the conversation he had with a 10 year old kid.

Who Should max meet next?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2020 ⏰

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