Chapter 40: Poker Face

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Katherine didn't leave her room until she heard Grouse arrive the next morning. When she walked out, she saw that Crawley had cleaned up his mess but left her now just sad looking burger, fries, and unfinished whiskey sitting at the table.

"Odd breakfast," Grouse said.

"Odd dinner companion," Katherine retorted as she cleared the table.

"I brought coffee." The woman held up two to-go cups, each steaming.

"And a much sunnier energy." Katherine smiled at her, taking the cup with a nod of thanks. "I don't know how you stand him."

"He's a pain alright, but you learn how to fire right back at him. And there's no denying he's good at his job."

"That's what Picquery says too, but I've won just as many duels against him as I've lost."

Grouse shrugged. "Well, your magic isn't what he's normally fighting. In our training room, he has the record. No one's beat him in years."

"Give me a name, I'll teach them all I know. Anything to see his ego knocked down a few pegs."

"I think you've bruised his ego well enough," the auror said with a laugh. "Haven't seen him this worked up in a long time."

"I'm not kidding. He normally has a weak spot at the top of his right shoulder, his shield never covers it."

"So, you really can see magic, huh?"

Katherine nodded absentmindedly, thinking about how she'd beat Crawley on Monday in some spectacular fashion. "Yours is pretty. A nice sage green."

"I'll take that," Grouse said. "How's the apartment working out? Anything else you need?"

"Any chance you could build a balcony?" Katherine asked. "It's not a big deal, I just thought it would be nice to get some fresh air. I think I could do it, but I didn't want to mess with your magic."

"Sure. What else do you want to do today? I can't stand that crime show again."

"Could we go look for a watch?" Katherine asked.

"Magical or non?"

"Will it make a difference? Will a muggle one work here?"

"It would," Grouse said, a twinkle in her eye, "but the magical ones are way more fun."

By the time Katherine had gotten ready, moved her belongings from her backpack to the black purse Hermione and Ron had given her, and come back into the main room, Grouse was just conjuring a metal rocking chair.

"I thought you'd like a little place to sit out here. I know the city can feel a little claustrophobic if you aren't used to it."

"It's perfect," Katherine said. "Thank you."

"Of course," she said, finishing with a glass door handle and adding stretching the protective layers out and over the addition. "Ready to go, Wren?"

"Ready," Katherine said, picking her wand up from the table and sliding it into her waistband before donning her coat. She quickly readopted the blonde look she had used to go into Spieller's Binding before.

"Do you know why Crawley had no shoes this morning?" Grouse asked. Katherine just laughed, wondering if they'd still be stuck to the floor when she arrived on Monday.

Grouse and Katherine walked rather than driving, which she was grateful for. The store was maybe ten blocks away, and Katherine watched for it carefully. Every once in a while, she'd see a store that was obviously cloaked by magic—she was most intrigued by one filled with large, ornate framed portraits that moved like the magical photographs. One depicted wizard was sleeping soundly with an empty bottle of wine in his hand, another witch waving at each person who walked by whether they could see her or not.

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