Chapter Thirty-Nine

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'Say my name
When you're hurting darling
I'll take the demons away'

'Say my nameWhen you're hurting darlingI'll take the demons away'

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Chapter 39:

If Ziggy could sum up Damon in one simple word, well, it would probably be dumbass, but in this particular instance - she'd suffice with impulsive. It was no surprise that the eldest of the Salvatore's had invited himself over the next day (after Klaus had infiltrated their plan, finally taking back all his coffins bar one), to inform her on his recent life choice. He didn't have to say much, for the sharp glint of metal shining in the sun was enough. He had un-daggered Elijah. Now, he'd come to drag her along to discuss the terms of the removal of the dagger, and the girl didn't have to use magic to predict what an epic fail this would be.

Like she said, dumbass.

When Damon finally ended the phone call with Elena - something about a medical examiner being killed with a stake that was riddled with Elena's prints (being blamed on Stefan, whom was referred to as a bunny snacking pacifist) - Ziggy sent a tight smile to the man.

"You mean to tell me we're gonna strike a deal with Elijah?" Damon nodded at her question, the irony in her tone drifting over his head as they trekked through grassy terrains to meet the very topic of conversation. "Need I remind you how that turned out last time?"

She recalled the night vividly. It was hard to forget, aftercall. The date was stained on her hands in Hesper's blood, and even on the Goddesses better days, she still couldn't erase the memory of the stake's rough surface from tingling her skin. However, she'd done well in carrying on. It seemed so long ago now; a lot had changed from then to present, from new-found knowledge of her family to romantic feelings, in particular with the two people treading across the woods (though Ziggy would never admit her Stefan crush out loud.)

She still didn't know what her stance was with Damon, because there was that tingly murmur in the back of her mind that asked 'what if?' What if she had stayed instead of going with Klaus for all that time? Her feelings weren't completely erased for the raven-haired vampire, of course not, those types of emotions don't automatically disappear, they'd just never gone deeper than the surface- instead, they'd stayed the same, and due to that, slightly diminished, too. Like when you go through a phase of enjoying your best friends company a little too much, to the point where you develop a little something for them, only for it to pass and fade months later because it wasn't spoken into existence. But Ziggy couldn't help but wonder about how different things would be if she had never left Mystic Falls. She catches herself before ever acting on it- the idea of trying to pursue one person if you have romantic feelings for another doesn't sit well with her. In the most simplest of terms, she's 'not Katherine'.

Often times, she contemplates if never obtaining her memories would have been better for her piece of mind. In her view, those were what sparked this desire for Stefan's affection to begin with, because once upon a time in late 1863, when she was a clueless girl fed lies by her Godmother Anika, she was completely lovestruck by the green-eyed Salvatore. And now, with all those emotions flooding back, it was hard to deny them any longer. She remembered everything; their little rendezvous to their makeshift tree house in the woodland area, their fondness for stargazing and sunsets, whispering stories to each other in said treehouse. She could recall it all, which only frazzled her further. The memories laced together in her head until they were tight knots, causing confused headaches to hit her temples.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2021 ⏰

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