The start of the Victory Tour

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Katniss POV:

What is he doing here?! What is the President of Panem doing in my home?! I must be in serious trouble or he wouldn't come a long way! Was it the trick with the berries?! Or does he know that the Star-Crossed Lovers was just an act?! I don't know. i walk and sit down on the closest chair that faces him; with only the coffee table keeping a distance between us. president Snow takes a small sip from his cup of tea that he was holding. I see that my mother has left us a tray of cookies with 2 cups of tea. He puts his cup down and picks up a cookie and examines it. on top is a perfectly drawn flower with white frosting as a decoration.

"Did the love of your life made these?" Snow asks me while looking at his cookie and then tray; and then my eyes.

"Yes," I say steady. he takes a small bite from his cookie and swallows it.

"As you may know, Ms. Everdeen, I have quite a problem" he says "A problem that started the moment you created a scenario in the arena." He takes a deep breathe and continues.

"If my Head Gamemaker, Seneca Crane, woul've had any clever brains, he would've killed you right there. Do you know where he is now?" He looks at me straight in the eye. I open my mouth to answer "no" but by the way he says that, I know he was order to be executed. I nod.

"Exactly. Then there was nothing left to do, so here you are." he says

"In some districts, citizens re-viewed your act as defying the Capitol, not an act of love." Snow says "Henceforth, these could cause uprisings, and uprisings can lead to a revolution against the Capitol." There's a long pause while he stares at me.

"I didn't mean for anything like this to happen." I say truthfully.

"I see. Katniss Everdeen, the Girl who was on Fire left a spark that may turn to a fire and take all Panem with it." he says. Snow finishes his cookie and picks up a napkin and cleans his hands and mouth.

"What should I do?" I ask

"If it were that easy." He sighs and continues "You'll be the same on tour as you were in the arena"

"I'll be in love with Peeta as I was" I say

"As you are" he corrects me

"As I am" I confirm

"This tour is your only and last chance to fix things" he advices me. I nod.

"Make something interesting if you fall" he tells me. I nod knowing what he means. President Snow gets up from his chair and takes one last cookie and eats it on the way out of the room. I hear him thanking my mother for the tea and cookies and the door closing. While a car door closes and the engine starts and drives off, my mother and Prim walk in the room worried and sit down on 2 chairs.

"Is everything okay?" My mother asks

"Yeah. He just came to congratulate me. He always does it in private." I lie. I can't tell them the true or they'll get really worried and they could get in danger.

"Oh, I thought something was wrong" she says relived.

"Want me to run you a bath?" My mom asks "It's almost 2'a clock in the afternoon and your prep team could be here any minute"

"Yes please" I say. I can see in her eyes that she's thank full. Mom gets p from her chair and walks upstairs leaving me and Prim in the room.

"So what really happened?" Prim asks softly

"Everything is fine, Prim." I say trying to calm her down when I'm really lying to her and I hate that, but it's for her safety "Don't worry".

"Okay" she says softly

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