The 3rd Annual Quarter Quell

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Gale's POV:

My family stays home to watch the Games. I always go to the square; where its pack with citizens of District 12. They set up the screens so everyone can see. We all hear the man countdown from 60 to 1. They zoom on Tributes on their metal plates. I remember Victors from past Games and others that I never knew. My family and I hope that Posy will make it out of the Cornucopia alive. I know Katniss will protect her; she promised. When they zoom on Posy and Katniss I feel my heart sink. I see fear in Posy's face, who can blame her. Katniss is trying to see from the sun that hits her directly. They change the shot from a point of view above. We know see they have to swim and climb a small cliff to reach the Cornucopia. The arena is an island. We hear the man's voice louder. 10 seconds are left.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. . ." and the gong sounds. The Games have begun.

Katniss's POV:

I hear the gong sound. We're all alerted. Everyone's trapped in their metal plate. I know there's only one way to get to the Cornucopia; by swimming. I jump into the water and swim 40 yards to the Cornucopia. I remember that my father taught me how to swim in a lake inside the woods. I climb a little cliff and I'm at the Cornucopia. No other Tribute is here but I hear others jumping into the water so I try to hurry up and find a bow. I find one and I sense somebody close behind me. I take one arrow and prepare to shoot as I turn. I turn around and it's Finnick with a trident and a net on he's other hand. He smiles a little.

"How did you learn to swim?" Finnick asks me.

"There's a huge bathtub back home where everyone fits." I answer.

"Like the arena?" he asks.

"You should. It's made specifically for you." I answer.

"Then I guess it's me who they want." Finnick says. I give him a scowl. He comes closer but I keep my weapon up.

"DUCK!" he shouts in panic. I do and he's trident sinks into Eli's heart. He's body falls to the ground, eyes open, and blood spilling into the sand. Eli was going to strangled me to death.

"You okay?" Finnick asks me as I get up. I nod.

"Thank You." I say.

"You're Welcome. Are we allies?" he asks.

"Guess so." I say. I know Haymitch would've want me to team up with him.

"Don't trust 1 and 2," I nod. "Take that side and search for anything useful." I run to the other side and look through the piles of weapons. I see Gloss, Enobaria, Paige and Meadow close to the cliff. All the others are still trapped in their metal plates. I quickly scan my side and there's nothing but weapons.

"There're only weapons here!" I hear Finnick shout.

"Also here!" I shout back.

"Grab what you want and let's go!" He shouts at me. I see Paige climbing up the cliff and I shoot an arrow at her. It lands on her skull. She falls into the water and blood spills. I shoot an arrow at Enobaria (that's also climbing up the cliff), but I see she was expecting it and drops to the water. I grab knives, an awl and take extra arrows. I meet with Finnick in the middle of the Cornucopia again and we see Cashmere, Brutus, Ash and Autumn jump off their pedestals and are reaching the small cliff.

"We need the others." I say as Ash and Autumn start climbing up the cliff. I know Cashmere and Brutus are nearby. We look at the pedestals to see where Peeta, Posy, Mags and Marco are. I find Peeta confused on what's going on. I start to remove my knives to get him but Finnick stops me.

"I'll go and get him. You can't go in your condition." Finnick says. I forgot I'm supposed to be pregnant. He drops he's weapons to the ground.

"Cover me." Finnick says and jumps from the cliff and into the water in a fabulous dive. Brutus and Cashmere reach the top of the cliff as Ash and Autumn run off. I shoot an arrow at Brutus and he falls off (but I didn't kill him). I shoot at Cashmere and she falls but holds on to the edge and pushes herself up again and runs off. I notice a scowl on her face. Finnick reaches Peeta's pedestal and he jumps into the water. I hear another splash and its Mags. She jumps into the water with Daisha, Philomena and Zayden following. Brutus climbs back up and now that the Carrers have reunited, they grab a bunch of weapons and prepare to attack. Finnick and Peeta reach the small cliff and I help then both up.

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