Chapter 1

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"Thank you for your purchase!" The cashier smiled, but on the inside Dream knew that he was just waiting for his shift to be over. Sucks to be working the late-night shift, a lot of creepers tend to come out at night.

Stepping outside of the corner shop grocery bags in hand. It was raining pretty hard that night, he just hoped that Nick didn't have to drive home in this weather. The traffic would be terrible. Pulling up his hood he walked towards the bus stop feeling the heaving feeling of someone watching him.

Shrugging it off as just his mind playing tricks on him seeing as this was such a cliché, almost expecting someone to pop out from behind one of the gas pumps to grab him. But that never ended up happening.

Maybe if he just looked...

Sitting on the wooden bench, he looked down at his already wet phone, wiping it dry before opening his contacts to call George. Pressing on the contact; he held the phone up to his ear, hearing no response at all. Looking back his phone was completely shut off.

"Shit.." He muttered under his breath

Slowly getting up Dream started walking, not planning on calling a cab at this time of night. He was not about to make his way onto a missing poster any time soon, and with all these disappearances happening lately he wouldn't put it past anyone who saw him walking by. It was only a 10 minutes walk anyway, he was just feeling lazy today.


Dream didn't know why but a sick feeling entered his stomach as he opened the door to his apartment he shared with his roommates; George and Nick. Turning the key he expected to see a horrific sight in front of him.

But to his somewhat disappointment, he was met with George sitting on the sofa browsing through TV networks.

"Oh hey dream- Yeesh you look soaked." The brunette chuckled, Dream not finding it at all amusing. But to him, Dream looked like a soaked puppy. "Shut the hell up, it's your fault your so lazy all the time." Dream retorted hanging up his jacket. All he received were soft but soothing giggles. Normally Georges's voice would calm the blonde down almost immediately, but today something was seriously offputting. Whether it was the quiet ambience of the rain pitter-pattering on the windows that were so conveniently placed behind the sofa, just enough for someone to look in at them, or the fact his other roommate hasn't returned yet-

"Hello? Are you even listening to me?" George grumbled waving his hand in front of the blonde, clearly tired of being ignored.

Truthfully Dream didn't even see George move. He really was out of it today, huh?

"Sorry, what were you saying again?" Noticing the nervous tone of his voice George cocked his head to the side. "You alright Dream?" His nickname ran through his ears like a whisper of the wind.

"Yeah, I'm perfectly fine... Just a little tired." He said chuckling nervously. "Anyway what are you watching" Dream smiled, looking over to the TV.

"Oh yeah, the news was just talking about the disappearances, it seems to be getting more frequent nowadays," George said sitting back down on the couch, gesturing for Dream to come to sit as well. Turning his attention back to the TV.

"It started with disappearances in prisons. It seems like they were a somewhat heavy target for these criminals, to now it seems like innocent civilians are being targeted. In their homes and on the streets." Patting the pile of papers in her hand onto the desk. "Police recommend not leaving the house at late hours or after dark, however, it seems as if their criminals hide in plains sight as a number of kidnappings have been happening during the day. Please lock your doors and stay safe out there-"

"What happened?" Dream asked hitting the TV a few times until the lights began to turn off one by one.

"Must have been a power outage, there's been a lot happening recently. I contacted the landlord but he had no idea why probably just the raining weather interfering though." George reassured him.

"This is probably a sign that we should be heading to bed now," Dream said stretching his arms in the air. Standing up he went to go change his clothes George following behind.

'Unluckily' there were only two rooms in the flat and Nick being the dick he was claimed the second one, leaving George and Dream to have to share. But honestly, he didn't mind at all, the thought of getting to share a room with him made his heart race.

He watched as Goerge flopped down onto his bed, already settled in his nightgown ready for sleep. Pulling his shirt over his torso, he sat down on his bed. Only to look ver and see George already fast asleep in an awkward position. Standing back up he moved George under the covers. "Goodnight." He cooed into the brunette's ear watching him squirm from the sudden disturbance.

Sitting his own bed Dream still couldn't shake the feeling as if something was in the room with them, whether under the bed. In the closet or right outside the door. And it didn't help to know that Nick still wasn't back yet. Closing his eyes, his mind ran rampant for while trying to think of anything that could distract him from his unsettling feeling.

The rain seemed to be stopping now... Or was it just him blocking it out of mind. Dream tended to do things like that, things he didn't what to hear would be blocked out of his mind. Things that scared him, it wasn't surprising that he woke up with frequent panic attacks in the night if only this wasn't the case. Then just maybe he would have been able to hear the muffled screaming of the boy sleeping next to him as he was dragged off into the night sky, or would he be going too?

He didn't mind where he was going, as long as George was there.

Maybe he'd regret this later.


Chapter 1 fin.

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