Chapter 3

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Hoping he misheard the intercom hoping it was neither him nor George but he knew that it was one of them but the pressure of not knowing which one weighed onto his chest. Felling a tugging, and a warm heat creeping upon his arm Dream turned to see

George clinging to the hem of Dreams - uniform per se?, not wanting to let go, under normal circumstances, George wouldn't even think about touching Dream in such away. But this whole few minutes have been run on adrenalin and nothing more. Before George could even say anything he felt Dreams arm being ripped from his.

Looking up George noticed the men in armor dragging Dream away. Flesh scraping across the marble, shoes scuffing the floorboards in a last, feeble protest. The brunette fought a rising panic as he watched Dream being dragged off, he wanted to run. He wanted to chase after him but for some reason, he couldn't get his body to move. He felt as if he was being paralyzed by fear.

Why couldn't he move dammit.

It was clear Dream was using all his strength but still couldn't fight the armed men before finally being sedated.


He blinked back at thunderstorms swarming in his mind, the disjointed haze receding to the point where he could make sense of the world around him. Though the edges of his vision flickered and danced, the center coalesced into a dark room with stairs as far as the eye could see. Stairs that seemed to go nowhere, all twisted metal. Letters slathered on the wall seemed to be new like it was freshly painted. With blood.

The scent of it was uncanny. The letters spelling out "SCP-087 - The Haunted Staircase"

Just as Dream was about to get his bearings, eyes adjusting to his surroundings he heard a voice coming from outside the wall yet very much audible.

"Subject- 2260, you have been tasked with exploring SCP-087 with direct orders from Dr. ****, we are unable to hear you. However, we are able to see you via your camera feed you should find strapped to your stomach. Any attempt to try and remove it will result in immediate..." There was a long pause before the voice continued "Immediate 'execution'. Please continue down the stairs."

Out of fear Dream began to make his way down the stairs, trying to distract himself from the fear he was feeling. His terror mounted with every step, his heart hammered in his chest. Thinking about as long as he got this over with he could see George again. What even was down here again? Dream had always assumed that the SCP Foundation was nothing but an internet myth or something one of those wackos would spew as you walked by them in the street, so rationally he never spent much time looking into it.

He'd only been walking for about five minutes, Reading the words on the wall.

"Floor 10"

"How many more are there?" he whispered, trying to catch his breath - heart racing. There is a single blinking light from a broken lightbulb barely illuminating the way. He turns to look behind him. He sees there is nothing. As soon as he looks ahead again something that resembled a demonic face appears in front of him, he was in a complete state of panic as he instinctively turned his face away cowering.

His eyes were tightened shut, only opening them to see the face almost serpent-like slither further down the staircase. 'Fuck this' he thought beginning to make his way back up the stairs. Just, as he turned to run the voice, returned onto the intercom

"There's no use coming back up, We have been instructed that this will be a one-way trip for you. Please return to going down the stairs"

If Dream wasn't already shitting himself; he sure as hell was now. "What the fuck do you mean by this is a one-way trip?! I cant die down here. I just cant." The blonde felt tears begin to sit in his eyes, shocking as he never usually cried over anything. But the thought of never being able to see any of his friends again made him want to collapse then and there.

"I encourage you to continue down the stairs," The voice said once again send an electric shock through Dream's body.


Continuing down the stairs not yet had Dream made contact with another jumpscare.

"Floor 58," The writing in white said.

Thinking too soon as the same face; yet a little different from last time(More red and bloody) appeared in front of him, scaring him once again. But this turn he felt blood trickle down his face, h had bit his lip. This time the scare was too much for him as his heart had already been pounding, his blood pressure had risen. He felt himself collide with cold hard concrete.

Tasting blood in his mouth, assuming he knocked out and smashed his skull against the hard stairs. Unable to move he heard whispers around him. Tars continuing to trickle down his face.

Was he gonna die like this? no. he couldn't.

Before the world went blank, he heard footsteps allowing with feeling a bright light hitting him. Was this what dying feels like?


Waking up he felt himself strapped against a table, a bright light being shone into his face. Wait. what happened, was he dead? Something told him he wasn't, immediately remembering that face. A face that will terrify him for as long as he lives, he began to shake at the very thought of that thing. His eyes remained shut, hearing more mumbling. Before feeling something prick his shoulder, sedating him once again.

Chapter 3 fin.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2020 ⏰

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