Chapter 2

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When he awoke his head was thumping, it felt as if he was dragged across the rocky ground. He opened his eyes to see George laying next to him in different clothes than he wore that night.

Giving himself a second to take everything in, he realized that he was lying on a cold surface. His vision was still blurry.

Finally, his eyes adjust to the room only to realize that he was no longer in the comfort of his bedroom anymore.

His eyes wide with panic and emotion as he stared around the room, it was still and quiet. Only the sounds of pants; followed by small gasps of air could be heard from Dreams throat. He sits up squeezing his eyes shut as his head begins to throb with anticipation. The sound of another person's breathing catches his ears as George bagging shuffling in his sleep.

"Fuck.." He sighed, turning over to face Dream who was surprisingly close to him. "What time is it..." Shaking his head he tried to recollect his thoughts but the feeling of a headache slowly crept upon him.

George finally noticed how close he and Dream were and reflexively backed up a bit only to hit a hard wall. "Wait." George started "Where are we?" He asked fear settling in his voice.

Before Dream got a chance to answer a static noise came from above them. "Hello? Hello hello. Welcome Subject D-2259 and Subject D-2260, Again I welcome you to the SCP foundation formally known as the 'Secure, Contain and Protect' facility. You two as you may not have known are class D. Also known as the 'Disposable Class' personnel are expendable individuals used for testing SCPs, notably Keter-class objects. As you may know, we usually intake Death row inmates-."

"But we aren't criminals, so why-" The brunette started clearly panicked.

"However." The voice started up again "We have been running short on subjects and had to resort to other means to test our SCPs, before you panic just remember you are doing this for your country. Making our world a better place-" The voice stopped abruptly as George turned to see Dream ripping the voice box off the wall.

"Hey! What did you do that for Dream, we need to explain to them that this isn't right! We aren't supposed to be here!" George said fear lacing his voice, Dream crouched beside him. "Your right. We aren't supposed to be here, But you are the man. 'Other means'. How much you wanna bet there thee people are responsible for the disappearances." Despite how calm Dream tried to make himself sound, on the inside, he was terrified.

All of a sudden the cell doors opened revealing a multitude of other cell blocks similar to theirs. Standing up Geroge peaked through the door to see other people. Some bruised and battered, some even bleeding out from various parts of their bodies. It made Dream want to puke.

Welcome. To the SCP foundation


Walking around the facility Dream clenched George's hand in hopes of finding comfort but even now he was still trembling. People stared at them as they walked past, yet he paid them no mind.

Looking over the corner they noticed someone being detained by men in full-bodied gear. Looking closer he noticed the man had claws that reached to the ground and eyes as white and glowing. Next to them, he noticed a boy who looked no older than 21 pulling at the guards.

"Please don't take him! It's not his fault please!" The man pleaded "He hasn't hurt anyone, you just scared him!" Suddenly the man was thrown off the guard's shoulders and into one of the tables nearest, That's when Dream felt shuffling behind him, recognizing that his hand was yet again cold.

"H-hey are you alright?" George asked clearly worried. The man looked up to George, his blue eyes filled with tears, they were so pure almost like diamonds. "I'm fine." He said blankly. "My name George how about you?" He asked smile present on his face despite how uncomfortable he felt. "Zak." He responded blankly

Not knowing how to continue the conversation, George decided to ask about what he saw earlier. "So um, what was that all about?". Looking back at him the boy looked hesitant to respond but did never the less. "They took my friend, he didn't do anything. It's not his fault..."

"Oh was your fried that- um," George said as he stumbled at what to say. Creature? Person?


"Yes, his name bbh or SCP-4418, I promised to help him escape and live a normal life. But one of the guards spooked him and.." He began to cry again, covering his face with his hands. Witnessing what was happening Dream walked over, still very skeptical of what he saw.

"Subject D-2251 has returned with minimal scars but mass amounts internal bleeding, medical crew please respond to building D."

"I better go." The blue-eyed boy said, scampering towards what Dream could only assume was his cell. Turning to face the other side of the room he saw someone covered in blood being grabbed and rushed away by doctors.

Tugging on George's arm, Dream pulled George to an empty seat to sit him down and the tables which so badly represented his high school cafeteria. "What just happened?" George asked, "This has to be a nightmare, please tell me it is."

Despite their current situation Dream couldn't help but blush at Georges seeking comfort in him. But that warm feeling seemed to disappear all but suddenly. As the lights flickered in the dimly lit room only a few people inside the intercome went off once more. Its words made his blood run cold, feeling George's grip on him tighten, yet his face facing the ground.

"Subject D-2260, you will now be escorted to testing room 486 block B, where it's time for your first and last encounter with SCP-087B. Any resistance will result in your immediate death, and remember before you panic just remember you are doing this for your country. Making our world a better place"

Chapter 2 fin.

Disposable // dreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now