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Jake's POV

So I went to work late, as usual. But last night I was at Shaw's with Rosa we got really drunk and she dared me to call Amy, So I did but she didn't pick up her phone so I sent her a lot of voicemails. I was saying things about that I liked her, And wish something could happen between us. But I don't really want to talk about that right now.

I entered the elevator and was Already prepared for Holt his speech. The Elevator wasn't even open or I already heard him saying:

'Peralta you are late.. again... this is the fifth time in a row' he said in an angry voice

'Sorry cap'n' I said with immediate regret because he doesn't like to be called that way

'It is Captain Holt' he corrected me

I saw Santiago smiling in the corner of my eye, She really enjoys the fact that I'm late again but then It hit me, The voicemails ...wait did she listened to them or not, I couldn't really tell by the look on her face.

'Santiago, Peralta I have a case assigned for the two of you' said Holt with a serious voice

'Captain can I please do this case with Diaz? I don't want to do this case with Peralta' said Amy directly after she heard my name

Wait does that mean... she- she heard the voicemails... no probably not.. I was stressing myself out, But calmed down after I told myself that She would already had made a comment about it If she did.

'No, Santiago this case is for you and Peralta. End of discussion' Made Holt clear

Amy got the files and walked over to me

'So Jake we have to bust the drug dealer, He's only 5 blocks away, I'll grab my car' she said

'You're going to drive? Uhm Amy I should probably drive, If you're going to drive then the Perp is already gone when we arrive' I said In a teasing way

So I hopped on into the car, as she sat down next to me, I got a little distracted, the sweet smell of fresh picked daisies, Oh she smells good... It was hard for me to stay focused and not trying to hit on her.

I was going to say that we arrived but I couldn't finish my sentence or Amy yelled:

'Jake there he is! stop the car immediately!'

I hit the brakes really hard, luckily we had our seatbelts on otherwise we would've flown through the front window.

The car hadn't even stopped or she already started to chase the perp. She ran into this big old building.

I followed her into the building, As I entered I looked around but saw nothing, other than the darkness. There wasn't a sign of Amy, 'Should I get worried? What if anything happend to her.. I'm probably overthinking right?...

Not even a minute later I heard something, A lady voice, It was screaming, That it hit me.. Wait That's Amy.. I immediately ran to the direction where the sound came from.

'Jake!' She screamed with pain in her voice

'Amy where are you?' I yelled

I turned around as quickly as I could, There I saw her. Not only her but also the perp, He was pointing a gun at Amy, I was totally freaking out but I couldn't show them.

'Put your gun down you dirty cop!, or else she's not going to walk out of here... alive. the perp threatened

'Ok cool down, I'm putting my gun down but you have to let her go' I said calmly

I then slowly bummed foward and laid down my gun on the cold floor

'I did what you told me to do please let her go now before anyone gets hurt' I said

He was loading his gun

'You don't have to do this, if you let her go everything will be fine' I said with a little fear in my voice

I've never been so scared before, I saw the fear coming out from Amy's eyes.. If only I knew what to do. I've watched Die Hard so many times.... Jake think!

'Take me instead of her' I said while I walked closer to Amy

I didn't think twice and I kicked the gun out of his hand.

'Get him Santiago' I immediately yelled after the gun fell on the ground

She punched him, knock out. I have never seen her like that, I was lying if i said it didn't turn me on.

'Got him' She smiled at me

'Don't be so proud, you were scared for your life, admit it' I said in a teasing way

'let's just go to the precinct Jake' She said

So we arrived at the precinct, I was still a little scared of the whole voice mail situation, So I thought I would just tell it myself. It took a lot of courage but I was going to tell her about it.

'Hey Santiago, can I talk to you in the evidence room for a second?' I asked with a tremble in my voice

'Sure, Peralta' she said

So we entered the evidence room, I have never been this nervous, I was going to tell her that i liked her. I started the conversation with

'You definitely have to teach me that punch' I flirted

'So big bust huh? I just wanted to thank you for saving my life Jake' She said in a sweet way

I was staring in her eyes while she said that, I felt a warm feeling rushing through my body starting from my head flowing to my toes.

'I wanted to ask you something Amy' I said

'Ask away' She smiled

'So you've probably have gotten a voice mail from me' I nervously said

'Uh yeah I did, It was not only one' she laughed

'Have you listened to them already?' I asked her

'No I haven't got the time to listen to it, But what about it?, Why are you getting nervous about this?, What did you say?' She asked

'Ok so, I have to confess something, In the voice mail I sai- Whatever long story short, I like you Amy..' I said with hesitation

I immediately started blushing and regretting my decisions, I was totally freaking out...

'Jake' she said

So this is my first time writing a fanfic, please tell me if you got tips or if my grammar is wrong. I hope you guys will like it and I'm trying to write chapter 2 as fast as I can. :)

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