Snoggletog Future

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Fog was surrounding Stoick.Then this hooded figure came out of the fog you can not see his face. "Are you the Ghost of yet to become."Stoick said to the spirit.The hooded figure nodded head. I will listen and I will learn.I want to see what will happen to my daughter."He told the spirit.The spirit took his black and rough hands on stoick shoulder.And lead him to a destroyed Berk.

Stoick stared at his village in shock.His home was on fire and house were distoryed. He turn to the spirit."What happen here."He said to the spirit in horror. The spirit point to the great hall.
Stoick then ran off the the great hall.
He then saw snotlout on his throne he was older.But where is his daughter,Where is Hicca.Stoick thinks in his head.
He saw some of his people they have sad looks on their faces and a lot of other of his people are missing.
"Listen to me eveyone.i know we've lost a lot of people and live stock.Some will say our luck is downright dreadful."Snotlout said to the sad people.
Stoick facepalm his face."Who put him in charge."He said to himself.
"But it is Snoggletog.It is time for a celebration."Snotlout said.
"We need a reason to Celebrate,My family is gone."Someone cried out.
Stoick look at the women that cried out.It was Ruffnut.She cried tears are coming down her cheeks.
"Don't pay attention to her.We can celebrate on something else."Snotlout told to his people.
"Like what."Someone called out.
"Like me."Snotlout said.
"That is the best thing he come up with."Stoick thoughts in his head.
Everyone mumbles and leaves the great hall to their homes.

Stoick turn to the spirit.
"What happen here and why is snotlout cheif."He said to the spirit.
The spirit said nothing,But with the wave with his hand.They went to a different time in the raven point cove.
"Dad please don't."Hicca cried out.But stoick killed shadow.
Hicca felled to the ground crying.while some other Vikings that are still holding on to her.
"You are no longer part of this tribe.You are no longer my daughter."The past Stoick replied to her.
The sence vanished.The ghost Stoick cried when he saw the pain on his daughter face.He took someone she love away from her.
"Spirit please is my daughter all right."He pleaded to the spirit.
With the wave with the spirit hands.They went to this ice water and army boats everywhere. They in this room.Stoick saw his worse nightmare.Drago Bludvist he and other men where laughing. "Today was a good raid men."Drago told his men."Here,here."his men said with evil glee.
"But we are missing someone the Woman of the hour."Drago said to his men.
Then the door open and came out,A woman.Stoick look at the new person that just entered."My friend we where just talking about you."Drago said to her.Then when stoick got a good look at her.His eyes widened.That woman is his daughter. "What." Stoick said in shock at his daughter. "Ohh,You did."She said with a evil smile on her face.
"Ohh yes you are a good warrior,and you help me with my dragon army.Drago said to his most loyal and favorite Soldier.
"It was a good raid."She told him. "The best part in the raid was when we blowup the chiefs house.The horror on everyone's face was worth it."She said to everyone. Drago laughed at that."Yes it was.Happy Snoggletog."He said to everyone and started to drink his mead.
Everyone cheered and started to drink in celebration.Stoick stared at his daughter not believing what is happening.She is no longer caring and nice anymore.
"Spirit please tell me. Is there still hope."Stoick said to the spirit. With the wave with the spirit hand.They were sent to a island. Then the spirit pointed his finger to a boat.Stoick went to the boat and saw a body the was covered.But stoick took off his helmet and saw the the same helmet on the dead body."No no please spirit I will change."Stoick plead to the spirit.But the spirit let out a evil laugh.

"I will change.I promise I will change."Stoick said again but all he can here is the spirits laughing and stoick fell into a hole less pit in the ground.Then everything went dark.

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