The × Phone × Call

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Ring! Ring! Ring!

The ringing of the phone echoed around the office. 

Leorio, though tired and not wanting to talk, quickly dashed towards the blue cellular device anyway.

After all, Kurapika promised to call.

"Hello?" The doctor rasped out, his voice tired and exasperated.

"Hello, Leorio."

Leorio grinned at the sound of the voice.

"Kurapika! It's good to hear from you!"

The blond smiled on the other side of the phone, It was nice hearing from his raven haired lover again.

"How are you, Leorio? I apologise for not calling back, but I'm usually busy."

"No no your fine Kurapika! Don't worry about it!" The doctor assured the Kurta, "And I'm doing great, so is Gon and Killua."

"That's wonderful to hear." The Kurta smiled to himself. 

Kurapika felt bad; he hasn't answered any of Leorio's texts or calls, despite promising he would. 

So as an apology, he planned something for his wonderful boyfriend.

"I have a surprise for you."

"Hm?" Leorio got curious "A surprise?"

The blond nodded over the phone, "Yeah, my boss is letting me off for the holidays, so I'm coming over for Christmas."

"You're coming over for the Holidays?!"

Leorio felt excitement swell in his chest. He was coming home? After all this time? He had to be dreaming.

"Mhm, around the twenty-fifth I think." Kurapika stated.

Leorio couldn't help but grin. "I can't wait to see you then! Should I tell Gon and Killua?"

"It's up to you." Kurapika offered, "It can be a surprise if you want."

Before Leorio could answer though, a voice could suddenly be heard from the Kurta's phone.

"Hm?" Kurapika pulled the device away for a moment. There, the doctor heard another voice on the other side of the line. It was quiet, and he wasn't able to hear what he was saying; but he was certain it wasn't Kurapika. Leorio desperately tried to figure out who it was, however, he was bad with voices. 

Though, he did hear what the Kurta had to say. He sounded unhappy, and attempted to desperately get the unknown person out of his room. However, the male didn't listen; and continued to seemingly lecture Kurapika. It sounded serious.

With a sigh, the blonde returned to his raven spouse. "I'm sorry, Leorio, but I have to go for now." He sighed. "I'll have to call you again later, okay?"

"That's fine." Leorio smiled. "Don't leave your co-workers hanging, yeah?"

The blonde couldn't help but smile. It has been a while since someone has spoken so kindly to him. God, why did he stop answering?

The Kurta shook the thought from his head.

The two exchanged goodbye's, but before Kurapika could hang up, Leorio exclaimed

"I love you!" proudly over the phone.

The kurta smiled. "I love you too." And then he hung up.

The blonde sat for a bit after the call; a soft, warm smile sprawled across his face. 

He missed Leorio.

He missed all of them.

Gon, Killua, Bisky, Kite, Alluka; he missed them.

"Are you coming, Kurapika?" The soft voice of Melody spoke out to him from the door.

The Kurta stood, and faced Melody with a surprisingly content face.

"Yeah, I'm coming."

Kurapika × Is × Home (A Hunter x Hunter Christmas fic)Where stories live. Discover now