He's Only my Wing Spiker

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Chapter 4

Third Person POV
   It's been one week sense Hinata joined Aoba Johsai. Oikawa made some arrangements for Hinata to be Number 10 of Aoba Johsai. Hinata was so happy and all the teammates were really happy to see Hinata happy. Oikawa was very pleased and happy to see the hole team happy because of Hinata.

Oikawa's POV
   He's to cute. He belongs here with Me. I'm his setter and he's my wing spiker. I can only be his setter. No one will set for him. I just have to make sure of it.

Third Person POV
Oikawa was smiling like a maniac. Which freaked everyone out, except for Hinata because he wasn't paying attention. Iwaizumi was walking over to Oikawa. "Oi why are smiling like that..." Iwaizumi said looking at Oikawa with a confused look. "What do you mean smiling like that...?" Oikawa said while also confused on what his best friend said. "Your literately smiling like a maniac, it freaked me out. It also freaked everyone out." Iwaizumi said while confronting Oikawa what he just did.

Oikawa wasn't really surprised because that's what he normally does it while at home anyways. Oikawa sighs. "Oh I did, I didn't notice." Oikawa said and walked over to Hinata to see him bending down tying his shoe. Then he looked down to see a nice view at his sight. He licked his lips as he been staring at Hinata's ass.

Hinata's POV
We just got done with are practice. It was really fun because I could do some spikes with Tōru. I was really happy but sadly we had to clean the gym sense we were done. I saw Tōru talking to Iwaizumi then I looked down and saw my shoe lace was undone. I bent down and started tying my shoe.

But not even a second later. I could feel someone was watching me and it sent shivers down my spine. Then I got done tying my shoe and stood up. I turn to see Tōru behind me.

"Oh hey Tōru!" I smiled at him. "Hey Hinata want to come over to my house?" He said while looking at me with his smile. I blushed. "S-Sure.." I said stuttering and blushing also. "Great we can walk together!" He said while still smiling.

We walked to Tōru house and talked while walking. It was just small talk. But it soon led to a big question.

"Shōyō-chan do you maybe wanna go on a date sometime tomorrow sense it's Saturday tomorrow...?" Tōru said while stoping with a blushed face. I looked back with a shocked and blushed face. Then calmed myself. "I would love to." I said while walking up to him and hugged him while smiling. He hugged back and smiled and picked me up. I blushed.

He carried me to his house

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He carried me to his house. Tōru unlocked the door and went inside. I put my arms around his neck and put my face in his neck. He took me upstairs to his room. When we got there he locked his door to his room. Then he sat down on his bed, with me on his lap.

I looked up at him and he was smiling and looking up at me. I blushed and put my head in his neck.

"Your to cute Shōyō-chan...~" He whispered into my ear. I blushed even more. "S-Shut up...." I tolled him while blushing. He let out a little chuckle. I looked up again to see him with his signer smile. "What are you smiling about?" I question him. "I'm smiling because of how cute you are." He said while looking at me. I blushed even more. "Y-Your such a-an idiot..." I say while stuttering.

I hear a gasp. I look up to see a dramatic Tōru with fake tears. I sigh and move my self so both my legs will be on each side of Tōru. Then I sit down. I look at him eye to eye. "Tōru your so dramatic." I said with a laugh. Then I feel something poking me under my butt. I stop laughing and looked at Tōru. Who has a blushed expression. Then I realized. I started blushing so red. I looked away and put my hand to my mouth. "Y-Your h-hard." I say while stuttering.

"Will you help me." Tōru said while pinning me to the bed.

And that is it people. You just have to wait for the next chapter. So what would you think that would happen next? Oh and sorry I posted a lot later then usual because you know how it is with family and all that.

Your one and only: l-black_wolf-l / aka Author
P.S. I just edited this so it made more sense and yes I am working on the next chapter don't worry. :)

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