☆ 250 Votes Special : Messed up Love 💔☆

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Setting : ---------- Disease Au. Featuring : Akai Shuichi or otherwise known as Okiya Subaru. This happens after they (he and Senki) broke up and she left for Japan.

WARNING!!!!! This Doesn't happens in the book.

His eyes widened. The heart breaking news, she had left. Resigned from her job and left for somewhere.

The red slap mark from Jodie hadn't disappeared as he drove to her apartment finding the door wide open and the apartment bare. He went to the balcony to look at the sky as it started to rain.

“Senki. .” he muttered.

Pulling out his phone he tried contacting her yet shockingly his hands were shaking. It never happened even if he was killing someone

Finally he managed to call her number yet she was unavailable.

She was gone.

Her apartment empty,

job resigned,

number unavailable.

He only had himself to blame. If he had just let her talk, hear her words, her voice. Maybe they'd still be together and she didn't need to feel she had to leave everything.

It was his fault.

Drops of water slid down his screen. It wasn't from the rain though, it was from his eyes. He rarely cried yet he accepted he cried for her. The person who made him feel many things.

The person who left. All because he couldn't trust her.

He sat down on the floor, back to the cold metal rails. Rubbing his eyes with a long sigh.

- - - - -

“I know you regret it Shuu.” Jodie said sitting down next to the agent, rubbing his back as he set down a glass. Trying to drown in the pain once again but it failed as everything seemed to remind him of her.

He was quiet as his eyes only flickered to the woman as he stood up “put it on my tab.” he started to walk away until he met his boss, James.

“Akai-kun.” he started, worry in his eyes as he placed a hand on the agent “If you truly regret what you did, don't drown yourself with alcohol and become a better man so you can win her back or move on.”

He shrugged the hand off and walked off, the streets were quiet and deserted in this cold December night. His steps wobbled a bit having drunk too much alcohol even for a guy like him.

He leaned on a wall right next to a dark alley as he felt something rise in his mouth. He entered the alley and crouched down, hand on his mouth as he threw up.

Eyes widened, in the mix of it all were petals of heart shaped petals. He started to laugh, pitifully laugh at himself.

Now realizing the mess he was in he also realized his feelings for her. And just like James said, he'll win her back.

- - - - -

He was a different person, in disguised he knew it was wrong but he couldn't control himself. Holding her hands and teasing her.

“Subaru” she called shyly with pink dusting her cheeks.

He nodded “Hai? Senki-chan?” he asked. He knew it was wrong to make her fall in love with a man who shouldn't exist but he couldn't wait.

She loved Subaru yet seemed to Despise Shuichi.

“Are you sick?” she asked noting his face mask. “I'm just feeling slightly under the weather.” he said and felt his lungs ache as he started to cough.

“Subaru!” she ran to him as he hunched back and cough, “I'm fine.” he said “Don't worry.” Standing up he left, sending a nod at the worried woman.

In the bathroom he took off the blood stained mask as petals escaped his lips. Pink and Blue hydrangea flowers.

He could only chuckle at the flowers who knew how he felt.

He wanted to apologize, he did but she was too broken to trust him again and he understood.

He loved her, he wanted her back but all he ever seem to do is make it worse for Akai Shuichi. After the flowers left his system he threw them at the garbage can and made sure to pile it up with tissues so nobody would notice at a glance.

Walking to the window, he watched her trim the flowers, humming to a melody. “Subaru, Are you alright?” she walked to the open window after noticing the man.

“Yes.” No.

“Get better.” she muttered picking off the unsaid words.

“Hai.” pulling down the face mask he pecked the corners of her plump lips unable to control herself.

“Su-subaru. . .” she muttered turning red as she stepped back.

He gave her a smile “I thought that would ease you.”

- - - - -

“You lied to me.” she cried slamming the door.

She locked herself in her room, “Please I'm sorry.” he said leaning on the wall. Barely able to speak or even breathe. With flowers leaving his lips.

“First you faked your death and played with me as Subaru! Did. .you have fun? Laugh watching me like a lovesick puppy?” she asked bitterly wiping the tears.

“I'm sorry.” he said coughing.

She bit her lips opening the door to only find a pile of flowers as he wiped the blood off his lips. “I-you don't have to pity me. I deserve this.” he said.

He was pulled by his shirt “Why didn't you get the surgery.”

“Because I'd lose my feelings that I've ignored or never noticed. .” he whispered “It was my fault that we broke up. I fucked things up and now I'm paying the price.”

His hands caressed her cheeks as he pulled in for a kiss.

Yet his heart ache when she didn't return it. Seperating he leaned on the wall. “You're stupid, mean and couldn't even trust me! You believed a bitch over your own girlfriend.” she rambled.

“You always left me for your job and your coworkers yet I'd be able to drop everything for you. So convince me why I should give you another chance?”

“. . . . .” he was quiet.

“Will” her voice broke “Will you promise to never hurt me again?”

“of course.”

Maybe she thought it was her fault that he was in pain because of her. Yet she didn't regret the words that left her lips.

“Then I'll give you a second chance.” She said softly letting go of his clothes as tears escaped her lips as she looked down “So please don't make me regret it, don't tear my heart and stomp on it all over again.”

Tears left their eyes as he embraced her “Thank you.”

Their love was so messed up but they promised to themselves they won't give up so easily anymore.

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