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Take On Of Us √ Taehyung ff by sumi_rra

Total Marks ~ 100 Marks for following the rules – 5/5 Marks for reader interaction- 5/5 Marks for book cover: 4/5 The cover looks plain and so I would suggest that a new cover can attract more readers. Marks for book description: 5/5 The description was short but it gave perfect idea about the story. The description is written in a creative way making the reader attracted the story. Marks for book title: 5/5 The book title is appropriate for the story. Can’t argue with it. Marks for social message: 3/5 The story gives the message that never leave your true love or the persons who cares for you due to your selfish greed because life always doesn't give a second chance. Marks for book plot: 8/10 The plots were well formed satisfying the readers with the story. Marks for grammar and vocabulary: 19/20 I would love to say the grammar and vocabulary are used perfectly in the story. No words were repetitive and the words describe the situation and emotions well. But I still could not give you full marks cause maybe my poor eye sight missed some typos and misspelling.

Marks for plot twist: 8/10 The journey through the story was smooth without any twist. And it was a good journey without getting bored, the story is full of emotions and can make readers remember about their first love and the struggles they have made to save it. Marks for character development: 8/10 Author has made her characters uniquely which will surely please and pleased many readers including me. Marks for creativity and way of writing: 7/10 The writing was simple and good making the readers understand the story easily. Marks for my opinion on the book: 8/10 Seriously this story touched me a lot. It makes me remember about the feelings of first love. I was able to feel the happiness, pain, sorrow, humour radiated by the characters in this story. The story is a emotional love story with perfect sense of humour at the beginning which can make readers lure around the story like bee. Total Marks~ 85/100 Review: Overall the story pleased me a lot. But I would suggest a new cover is needed for the book to attract more readers as first impression matters.


one last hug by Zandra996

reader interaction 4rules 5social message 2 *3 plot 4 cover 5 description 4title 5grammar vocabulary 9 *15 character emotions 5 *6 twist attraction 3 *4 creativity 4 *6opinion 4mark 54 *65 would be better if author write more about the situation people are in..and adding more details.

HR: The book could undergo a complete revision, not for grammar but for writing format, i read the whole thing just kind of turns a little plain, all the letters and everything is good but there is this void...Jungkook ignores her and at the end he suddenly changes...he already very well knew that she'd die!? The characters can be made a little more realistic, also, do give scenary explanations, i know the book is a short story, but adding some author's POV descriptions would be better.

Saudade by Bugnoo

rules 5 reader interaction 5 cover 3 *2 description 4 title 5 social message 2 *3 plot 5 *7 grammar vocabulary 16 *18 twist attraction 3 *7 emotions 7 *8 creativity 6 *7 opinion 6 mark 65 *75

reviews..adding details will make it even better..the story was beautiful.

HR: when i first saw the cover, the first thought that came to my mind was that it's a book about dark Jimin mafia au or something but there wasn't any intimidating and cruel Jimin so even if the cover looks amazing, it doesn't glorify the book in anyway, it would be great if author changes the cover. *whispers* the cover type of 'you are i, iam you' would look great instead! Also, the title is a great one!

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