Rescuing the Child

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Nora POV

       We have made it to Atlas on our mission to try and unite the kingdoms to fight back against Salem. To do so, General Ironwood has recruited us, team JNR, Oscar and RWBY, to help by either fighting back the Grimm or escorting supplies to the Amity Tower build site. This time though, team JNR, along with Clover and Elm, are heading to a trouble spot where people have been going missing for two years but the supposed kidnappings never connected until now. We arrive and disembark from the bullhead and start looking around.

Ren: So this is the place where all those civilians went missing?

Clover: Correct, we need to find where they were taken and rescue them if we can.

Nora: I can't wait to bust some heads!

Elm: Careful, kid. We don't want to get ahead of ourselves.

Jaune: Guys, I think I found remnants of sled tracks but it's hard to make out in the snow.

     We follow the tracks as best as we can and I then notice something.

Nora: From the direction these tracks are heading in, I think they're heading to that mountain range.

Clover: Impressive. Let's check it out.

     We get to the mountain side and come to find old ruins from times past. We look the site over and find nothing out of the ordinary, until Ren speaks up.

Ren: I think I found blood.

      We all approach Ren's position and see a blood trail and from the looks of it whoever left it was dragged, but into the mountain. I look at the mountain and inspect the cliffside.

Nora: I think there's something behind this boulder.

Jaune: How do we want to get in?

Nora: Heh. I've got this.

      I slap on a sticker like thing that gives me an electrical charge for my Semblance, I get charged up and grab the boulder and lift it and toss it away. Jaune tries to open the door in the cliffside and find it's locked. He readies his shield and tells us.

Jaune: Ready yourselves.

     We all ready our weapons and Juane shield bashes the door open, Ren and I rush in behind him and aim our weapons into the cavern.

Jaune: Clear.

Ren: *disgusted* What is that horrid stench?

Nora: I don't *cough* know. *cough* *plugs nose*

Elm: It smells like rotten flesh.

Clover: Fight through it. Let's move.

      Jaune leads us through the narrow passagway and the stench only gets stronger the further we go in. We keep walking until we come to an opening and when my eyes were laid upon this room, the sight was horrifying.

 We keep walking until we come to an opening and when my eyes were laid upon this room, the sight was horrifying

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Male Child Reader x Nora (RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now