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Nora POV

Ironwood: I'll just say it again for the record, "I'm not comfortable with this." You can't just say you're taking in a child just because.

Nora: Look General, this boy has been kidnapped and probably watched his family be murdered right in front of him, he's also been experimented and tortured all for some unknown purpose! We can't just let him go into an orphanage to probably get hurt some more because no one cares about him!

Ironwood: I understand you feel for him, I do as well, but we can't afford to care for a 6 year old child.

Nora: I'm not asking you to, I will be his sole caretaker if necessary, but I will not allow this child to go through life unloved.

      After several minutes of tense silence.

Ironwood: *sigh* I suppose I can't stop you. He can stay with you, for now.

I walk out and head back to the hospital relieved that I can finally give the kid some hope at a good life. I reach the hospital and see some security rush past me and in the direction of the boy's room. I chase after them until a nurse sees me.

Nurse: Ms. Valkyrie! Thank goodness you're here!

Nora: What's going on?

Nurse: The boy woke up while you were away and now he won't let anyone near him without screaming at the top of his lungs.

Nora: Well, yeah you're scaring him. Pull everyone back. I'll talk to him.

The nurse does so and I peek in the door and see the boy huddled in the corner with his face in his knees and I can hear him crying. I walk in, shut the door and set my weapon against the wall, I then stand a fair distance so I don't scare him.

Nora: Hey, little one.

????: GO AWAY!

Nora: Shh, it's okay. You're safe. No one is going to hurt you.

I just sit down and continue talking to him to make him more comfortable with me.

Nora: So, my name is Nora... *boy doesn't answer* What's your name?

(Y/n): *sniffles* (Y- (Y/n). *doesn't lift his head*

Nora: That's a really nice name. Are you hungry?

(Y/n) finally lifts his head and looks at me with scared, but beautiful, (E/C) eyes, I smile at him as he looks at me and he nods to answer my question. I signal the nurses outside to get him food and I continue talking to him.

Nora: So, I need to ask, when were you taken by those people?

(Y/n): *sniffles and crying intensifies* Please don't send me back?!

Nora: Shh, shh. It's okay. I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you ever again. I won't let anyone take you away, I promise.

He then surprised me by standing and running to me, he then buried his face against my chest as he continued to cry. The next thing he says makes my heart melt with happiness.

(Y/n): Please don't send me away?! I want to stay with Mommy!

I was surprised but that quickly turned to joy and I gently wrap my arms around him and cuddle him closer to me so he felt safe. Soon, the nurse returned with food and, after a little convincing, (Y/n) started eating which made me very happy to see. As soon as he took a hesitant bite, he sat on my lap, relaxed and devoured the rest of the food. After a bit, (Y/n) was satisfied and very comfortable with people, so long as I was close by, the nurses were finally aloud to check him over and make sure he was healing. I told the doctors that I would be staying with (Y/n) until he is healed an discharged from the hospital and then I'll take him with me. After dinner, I volunteered to give him his first bath he's probably had in a long time. After a little hesitation, I finally convinced him to sit in the warm water and I start by shampooing his hair and washing out all the blood and mud, his hair is still very matted so I take the opportunity to cut his hair and he definitely felt a lot more comfortable after I was done. I moved onto his arms, chest and back and he felt like skin and bone and my heart sank thinking about everything he must've been put through. I open my eyes and he is looking at me and he grows a smile, I smile back and continue cleaning him, as I scrub his back I notice a tattoo on his back that I didn't see because of all the mud and blood stains on (Y/n)'s back. I wash his back a bit more to get a better look at it and I take a picture of it and send it to Pietro for investigation.

I finish cleaning him, get him out of the tub, and dried him off, the nurses got him some fresh clothes and I help him get dressed and find he is ticklish, which was just the cutest to see him react in such a way

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I finish cleaning him, get him out of the tub, and dried him off, the nurses got him some fresh clothes and I help him get dressed and find he is ticklish, which was just the cutest to see him react in such a way. Just as I set him down in bed, my friends walk in and team RWBY start doting on him.

Yang: Aww, he's cute.

Blake: He is pretty cute, huh?

Weiss: Oh my goodness, he's so cute! Yes, you are. Yes, you are.

Ruby: Aw, I want one.

Nora: *as (Y/n) hides his face* Nope he's mine, ladies. *giggles*

      I made (Y/n) feel comfortable with everyone and he even hugged Ren, who wasn't being the most supportive of my decision to adopt him. But that hug, I could tell, made Ren start to reconsider. (Y/n) starts getting sleepy and I tell everyone.

Nora: Okay, I think it's someone's bed time. I'll be staying with (Y/n) until he's healed, so just ignore Ironwood if he asks about me.

Jaune: *chuckles* Okay, goodnight Nora. Goodnight, (Y/n).

(Y/n): Night night. *yawns*

Ruby: Aww, I really want one now.

Weiss: Come on, you child.

      I giggle as Ruby is dragged out with everyone else, I look down and see (Y/n) has fallen asleep in my lap. I gently move him and take off my boots and tuck him in before snuggling up to him on the bed. I kiss his cheek and tell him goodnight, in his sleep he says...

(Y/n): I love you, Mommy.

Nora: Oh, I love you too, (Y/n).

     I snuggle closer, close my eyes and I fall asleep with a huge smile on my face.

(A/N): Aww, isn't that sweet? Anyways, thanks for reading and supporting my material this past year. Wish you all a great rest of your day and I'll see you next time. PEACE OUT!!!

Male Child Reader x Nora (RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now