chapter 3

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olive lit the fire claire was sitting on my lap and Enoch was on my right and Bronwyn was on  my left olive sat on the other side of Bronwyn the twins hugh and fiona where sitting on the floor storm ,emma and jake where sitting on the other couch and there was a space between emma and storm and i could think of only two reason why that gape is there 

one:it because storm has a huge crush on emma but is scared to ammit it or 

two:it's for milard 

and my second guess was correct because millard came in with jakes hot chocolate 

"There is an extra mashmellow in there for you" jake

and sat down in the nood might I add 

horace was in his usually spot and miss p was next to the lights 

"Millard put some pyjamas" on said emma

"it's too hot in here," he said 

"stop moaning," said horace 

"yeah the rest of us have to wear clothing," I say but he still doesn't listen and sit next to emm and my brother in the nood and make emma move closer to jake 

horace starts proating his dreams 

i hear jake and emma wisper to each other 

first, it was just about clothing but then it changed to when horace and jake met and when jake frist came then it changed to an old lady being cared in by some people with white eyes 

then it changed to two silowets one of a real tale boy with dark curly hair and a girl with blond hair and woollen gloves on and there lips where about to touch when his dream changed now the dream was about emma and jake they were leaning  close into each other and emma look uncomtable so miss p turned the lights back on 

"that's quite anoth of that Horace," said miss p 

"I should get going," said jake 

"you could stay the night if you wanted to rather then walk home alone on the dark," said miss p 

"but the island is very saft isn't it," asked emma 

"of course i just meant the path is very bumpy he might trip( and cuncuss himself again i added in)pothapes you can show him the short cuts if he ever needs to miss bumps," said miss p

"won't you at least stay and see the rest jake it really quit spectacularly," I say and enoch leans his head back 

"yeah yes," said everyone expert emma ,jake ,miss p and enoch 

we walk out with our masked on i was holding claire and standing next to enoch 

miss p put on a song while we wait for the rest everyone was running around well expted enoch, jake, emma, horase miss p, claire and i 

claire yawned but i know she wanted to see this 

i was look at the sky when enoch grabes my hand i don't know why but he did i look at him but he is not looking at me miss peregrine nodds so we all put our masks on i put mine on the i put claires on  then the aeroplanes flew over us i could see jake was scared he didn't know what was going on he thought  he was going to die 

everyone watches as the last  aeroplane drop  the bomb  and as it was about to hit the roof it stop and everything went back  and then it was five minutes past nine September 2nd 1940 

we took of our masks and went inside me still holding a now sleeping claire oh that poor tied girl had such a big day  

emma took jake home 

i went and put claire to bed and as i walked out and i saw enoch 

"hey," I said 

he didn't answer  just looked at me 

"Are you mad at me for asking jake to stay?" I ask 

he doesn't answer 

"you know what i don't care don't talk to me it doesn't matter," I say 

"snow i-" said enoch 

then the front door slams open i run down stairs 

"where miss peregrine" emma asks me 

"in her study," I say "what wrong" 

"i found an ingered ymbryne" said emma

we walk into miss p study 

"miss peregrine emma found an  injured ymbryne," I say 

"bring her to me and go get some rest," said miss peregrine 

emma gives her the ymbryne

and we leave 

"snow wait," said enoch but i keep walking but he grabes my hand (a/n frozen moment here should i get her to run away and build an ice castle(let it go))

"what do you want enoch?" i ask angrily 

"i want to say sorry"

"for what for being an asshole to me or of being an asshole to jake or being an asshole to Emma or  being an asshole to everyone i know you trying not to let us get hurt but doesn't mean you have to be an asshole ok i am going to forgive you because i have to spend the rest of my life stuck with you constetly naging me to forgive you just stop being so mean ok," I say 

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