Chapter 1

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Cassia stared at the beverage in her hands, and let out a pleased hum at the taste. Ofcourse, it was to be expected.

It was yet another pureblood gathering this yule, this time hosted by the Malfoy's. And as per tradition, all influential wizarding families were all invited, The Black's included.

Most light wizarding families had tapped out from the festivities. While most had eagerly agreed to attend, not wanting to upset the Malfoy's if they didn't.

The Malfoy's were the equivalent to Wizarding Royalty in both wealth and power, almost in the same league as the Black family, especially with Draco being the 2nd in line to become Lord Black.

She smirked to her glass as she took one last sip and headed off to talk with the newly-appointed Junior Undersecretary and to check on the minister, she added as an afterthought.

Most do not value the elite social gatherings but they were her habitat, a perfect place for making connections and allies. Like tigeress to her prey.

A playground of deception and deceit. A competition of charm and patience. And most importantly, a show of power and wealth. Her two favorite things.

As soon as she had turned the appropriate age to interact with Lord's and Ladies of House she had sprung into action, too tired of the weak and easy manipulation needed for their children. No more acts of childishness and fake enthusiasm for the most mundane gossips.

She quickly became one of the top participants in the game of relations and connections.

A popular dance partner, either for her standing or her family. She had always known some would approach because of her brother, yet it worked out flawlessly. As she danced with heirs and Lord's of houses. Enticing them to her. To her cause, and to do her bidding.

She quickly found a valuable ally in Heir Cedric Diggory, the son of Lord Amos Diggory and the winner of the Triwizard Tournament. He was much more fit to be a Lord rather than his father. He was ambitious and intelligent. And most of all he knew how to act accordingly

        " If I may say heir Diggory, your performance at the Triwizard tournament was stunning. I especially admire your bubblehead charm, much more efficiently cast than Fleur Delacour's. And much safer than Victor Krum's partial shark transfiguration."

        " Thank you, heir Black. Though I admit Charlus was quite close to beating me. If it hadn't for the useful charm you taught me, then I wouldn't have won. Though it is quite rude to use your brother's biggest fear against him, don't you think heir Black?" He said as they both gracefully swayed to the classical music in the background.

She smirked, " Well heir Diggory, there's a reason I'm not in Hufflepuff."

He laughed slightly, " I guess there is."

Then she found herself in the arms of a man with soft brown hair and a delicious magical aura who introduced himself as Lord Seth Selwyn. An incredibly attractive Lord Selwyn might she add.

        " An honor to make your familiarity Lord Selwyn."  She curtsied as he took her hand,
pressing his lips up to her knuckles before they started to sweep across the dance floor, falling into a flawless waltz.

        " Believe me heir Black, the pleasure is all mine." He answered, velvet voice oozing with charm and surprisingly, amusement.

They both seemed to be the star players of the night, it wasn't hard to believe, she had heard of the new Selwyn Lord, returning from Germany and restoring the house of Selwyn.

She just wasn't aware of how gorgeous the man was, nor how incredibly delicious his magic felt intertwined with hers.

      " So to what due I owe the pleasure of having the attention of the Ministry's new darling?  I'd find it hard to believe that I would be the first witch you asked to dance tonight unless you have a motive, my dear Lord Selwyn." she watched in fascination as the man raised a brow, half-mocking and half-amused, seemingly debating whether her question was worth answering.

Agitated, she hissed, he may be gorgeous, but he had no right to disrespect her so, the Black family was still very much the most prestigious house in the country.

He laughed then, a low and rich sound which sent shivers down her spine, " Forgive me, heir Black, but I was merely amused at the fact you so-willingly called me yours. But yes, I do have a reason for approaching you tonight, but thag will have to remain a secret." He finished, eyes filled with mirth as the song ended.

He bowed again, and she followed suit, still seething as he greeted, " But ofcourse there will be other times for us to discuss what exactly my motives are, but until then, may mother magic guide you, my dear heiress Black."

She stood there, a mixture of disbelief and intrigue for the young Lord. Draco had chosen then to approach, a charming pureblood smile gracing his lips as he led her into another dance, her last dance of the night, she cursed the Lord with beautiful blue eyes and smile.

        " I see you've met Lord Selwyn, father's been raving about him day and night after his first Wizengamot session. Just what did he do to provoke such a reaction from you?"

        " He's cocky, yet it seems as though his cockiness isn't unfounded. His magic reminds me of mother, though his seems deeper and more mature. Funny because he's supposedly 19 year's old." She smiled as they swept past Astoria Greengrass and Theodore Nott, exchanging a short nod to the both of them before returning her attention to her cousin,

        " You really should ask Ms.Greengrass for a dance, there's only one more slot remaining on her dance card." she teased as the song ended, and her annoyance subsided as Draco quickly walked to the Greengrass sister.

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