Chapter 5b: Madoc Confronts Coal about the Kiss

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“What do you think they'll do with Coal?”The cook’s deep voice echoed through the kitchen door. 

“I heard he was supposed to stay in the human realm, but he refused to leave the princess. You see how he pouts whenever she's gone. He is too beguiled to let her go,”Fatou, the maid said. Her voice was lower. Coal had to strain to hear it. “A guard caught them kissing yesterday.”

“That's impossible. Madoc would have him drawn and quartered if that was the case.”

“It’s happened before.”Fatou insisted. “Look at Queen Isis and her human.”

“Why would she bring another human here if it's not to replace the old one?”

“Lovers or not, Madoc is not going to let that boy stay,”Masson said.

Coal had hoped to get something to eat before he went to help Grigory with Chalcedony's sword, but instead he'd accidentally came upon the kitchen staff gossiping. No longer hungry, he turned away and walked straight into Madoc.

“Excuse me, sir.”Coal stepped back towards the kitchen. Facing gossiping servants was much better than dealing with Madoc.

“Coal, can I speak to you?”

“I'm late for a meeting with Grigory.”

“That can wait.”Taken off guard, Coal let the elf pull him away. They sat across from each other in Madoc’s private office. When Coal couldn't stand the silence any longer he spoke.

“I’m late for . . .”

“Why didn't you stay in the human realm?”Madoc interrupted.

Coal swallowed, trying to moisten his dry mouth. “Chaley didn't want me to.”

“You should have stayed.” Madoc leaned forward. “You do not belong here.” He stressed each word would as if speaking slowly would suddenly make Coal agree with him.

Coal lowered his head and rubbed his eyes, suddenly exhausted.  “This is my home,”Coal began. “I belong here just as much as you.”

“I have lived here for centuries. I have worked for this family all of my life. Don't ever compare yourself to me. You are here on the whim of young girl.”

Coal remained motionless, refusing to believe Madoc's words.

Madoc sat back and continued. “The princess will be an especially young queen. The other queens have agreed to leave her alone until her coronation, but I believe they are planning to take her lands as soon as she is officially crowned. They will be looking for weaknesses to exploit, and they will try to turn her fey against her. Despite Chalcedony's awkwardness, she is loved by her fey. Before, everyone considered her affection for you as lovable quirk. But now people are wondering if she plans to rule with you as her mate.”

“Chaley and I are just friends. That's all we have ever been.”

“Don't sit there and lie to me. I know about your tryst on the way to the human realm.”

He knew. Fear kicked him in the gut, but. Coal forced himself to remain calm. “I know Chaley and I will never be together.”

“What are you going to do? Wait on her for the rest of your life? You cannot be by her side. She brought that child here as your replacement. Once you saw that, why did you come back?”

Was that true?

“Grigory has offered me a full apprenticeship,”Coal answered. “I plan on accepting the offer.” He hadn’t thought to accept the offer until now.

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