you have a brain, i figured you could use it

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If there was one thing, Kailani Redford hated the smug look on Kelly Iona's tan, freckled face more than anything. The boy was like a Russian doll, so fucken full of himself. It also didn't help that he had crowned himself the "king" of Leeway Academy, and the brunette did not believe he had earned that title.  

It wasn't that Kelly was a self-observed bully--although he never passed up an opportunity to tease first-year students. The fifteen-year-old teenage boy was actually kind to those around him and gave his friends all the support he could offer.

After all, it was one of the things Kailani and Kelly had in common--aside from a long lineage of old money-- their peers highly respected the two teens, and despite being sophomores, they were high up in the popularity chain. Hence, the title of "King and Queen of Leeway Academy."

However, no matter how well they got along, it irked Kailani that the freckled boy had arrived at school one day and claimed he was now King of the school. Kailani, on the other hand, had worked hard to get to the top by making the right friends, staying out of unnecessary drama, and being kind toward everyone.

During their walk to French class, the curly-haired boy had dared the girls to speed down the streets of Honolulu without getting caught and had even gone as far as lending his own car to them. Insufferable pain in the ass, thought Kailani, but she didn't stop Savannah from accepting the dare.

But now, as Savannah speeds down the somewhat busy main roads, Kailani wishes she had interfered.

"Sav, slow down," Duan warns, her soft voice barely audible over the radio. The brunette is sitting behind the driver--who just happened to be Savannah of all people-- her small hands clutching onto the seat belt for life.

Beside her, Kailani keeps her eyes locked on the road, occasionally glancing at Grace.

"Geez, Duan, I've watched Fast and the Furious," Savannah teases, a giggle escaping her lips. Duan scoffs in return; she's sure Savannah is going to kill them.

If she had watched Fast and the Furious, then she probably didn't pay much attention, Kailani thought as the cars honked at them yet again. She doesn't want to ask, but she is certain Savannah broke the speed limit the second they pulled away from the Academy's parking lot.

"Uh, guys, it's HPD," Grace speaks up. Savannah glances at the rearview mirror; sure enough, HPD is a few cars behind them.

"Slow down and pull over," Kailani orders. Savannah complies and doesn't argue when Kailani moves Grace to the back, leaving Savannah in the passenger seat with Kailani behind the wheel. After all, Kailani had taken the fall for one too many of Savannah's speeding tickets.

It doesn't take long to hear the familiar sirens of HPD, but Kailani keeps the car in park and turns off the engine while she waits.

"Oh, Duke, what a surprise," Kailani greets the older man with a charming smile.

"Miss Redford, would you and your ladies please step out of the vehicle," his tone is what causes a red flag to go off in Kailani's head. They had a run-in with Duke many times--which was more often than one would think-- he was always kind and would even joke with them, but this time his tone is rather cold.

Kailani unbuckled her seatbelt and stepped out of the car, her friends following after.

"Call Detective Williams and Adam Noshimuri," Duke orders to the uniform near him.

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