decisions, decisions

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The next few days prove to be very challenging for Kailani. First off, thanks to Chad Mckinnon- of course, his name had to be Chad!- the nasty bruises on her arm keep her from taking off her blazer or wearing the short sleeve uniform top because, as mentioned, the bruises look ugly, and she doesn't want to alarm her friends further. Savannah and Duan almost had a complete meltdown when she explained what happened.  

Second, because of McKinnon, Kawika, and Keoki are watching her like a hawk. They take turns dropping her off and picking her up at school, implementing a new rule of no after-school activities unless there's adult supervision- and, no, Savannah's butler doesn't count! In a way, Kailani understands them, but at the same time, she feels like she's suffocating.

The Redford girl knows they blame themselves for not noticing something was wrong. Keoki is angry at himself for not realizing the change in his little sister's behavior sooner. Kailani had gone from bright and happy to a mixture of sad and mad at the world and wouldn't let anyone touch her for a few weeks after everything happened. On the other hand, Kawika had been the one to encourage her to attend the dance, and due to scheduling conflicts, he hadn't been able to escort the event.

Third, she's been to the police station so often that they have a spot reserved for her. McGarrett promised that justice would be served, but seeing as the McKinnons come from old money and power, she doubts that will happen. In a weird twist of events, Kono and McGarrett become like her protectors, sitting in on every police questioning when Keoki and Kawika are unavailable. Kono does her best to prevent any unnecessary questions while McGarrett body-slammed Chad to the floor the day he tried to speak to her at the station and every time after that.

Even now, three weeks later, the mere thought of Chad being slammed into the floor before he could even finish greeting her was enough to send her into a fit of giggles. The McKinnon family lawyer had thrown a fit and swore a lawsuit would be filed against McGarrett and the police because everyone present had looked the other way instead of restraining McGarrett.

Strangely, school had made her feel somewhat normal. News broke during lunch-literally, Chad was walked out of school in front of all his peers- no one said much. The rest of the school day and week consisted of rumors about Chad being shunned from the popular group and his girlfriend practically disowning him.

Kailani pushes all those thoughts out of her mind; she has bigger things to worry about.

"Where the hell are you?" Kailani hisses into the phone. It's Tuesday morning and way too early for a headache. The brunette is leaning against a locker, one hand holding her phone to her ear and the other massaging her head. "If you are not here by the third period, we are no longer friends. Lael and I know how much our friendship means to you. You have ten minutes!"

"Hey, you okay?"

"Where is the pathetic excuse that is your boyfriend?" The words rolled off her tongue and past her lips the second her eyes landed on the caramel-skinned raven-haired teenager, Natalia Bernadez.

Natalia is Leeway Academy's "sweetheart" and longtime girlfriend of Lael Hale. Those two had been joined at the hip since eighth grade, and if they made it to senior year, they would be a shoo-in for the high school sweethearts category.

If her harsh words didn't throw Natalia off guard, then the look on her face certainly did.

Kailani didn't show many emotions, but today the brunette's red-tainted lips are twisted into a scowl, her eyes narrowed, and smoke practically coming out of her ears.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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