talk about awkward

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After a very awkward encounter in History class, Kailani doesn't see Nahele again. She does know that he is in Savannah's gym class due to the text she receives during fourth period. 

By lunchtime, everyone is aware and very interested in the new student. Girls, even the senior girls, whisper in the hallways and bathrooms about how cute he is. The boys wonder if he plays any sports and try to dig up some dirt.


Like another day, the girls enter the cafeteria, collect their lunch, and make their way toward the lunch table in a secluded corner close to the exit that leads to the outside cafe.

Unlike every other school, the popular kids don't sit in the middle of the cafeteria. The middle tables are always occupied by different clubs each week; this time, it's the cheer team having a bake sale.

The juniors and seniors usually sit outside playing music and being as loud as they want. On rare occasions, the girls would join them, but they typically prefer the small chatter and overall quietness of the inside cafeteria. Kelly and his group of friends are always found outside with the seniors and juniors, so it's a surprise when they set their trays down and sit beside the girls.

Kelly's group consists of Brandon Kahale (Duan's boyfriend), Lael Hale, and somewhat new addition William Grover.

Brandon Kahale, like most students at Leeway Academy, comes from a long line of old money. Unlike most boys at school, Brandon has long black hair that belongs in shampoo commercials. The hair, somewhat sarcastic remarks, and signature leather jacket qualify him as a "bad boy." The girls tease him about it because Suzana Kahale, his prim and proper mother, would fuss over her son being a bad boy.

Lael Hale is the only one in Kelly's clique that would qualify as one of Kailani's closest friends (maybe even a best friend). Kalani and Lael had been classmates and friends since their days at Hawaii Day Academy. Since then, Lael hadn't changed a bit. He was still the same overly tall, polite young boy who smiled at everyone.

Lastly is William Grover. In Kailani's eyes, the younger boy is a literal angel. He and Grace are in the same grade, so naturally, they get along pretty well and are always together. Through Grace, the girls find out about the terrible events his older sister, Samantha Grover, went through last year. And through their ups and downs, William remained positive and the epitome of sunshine. Kailani admires that.

"What are you idiots doing here?" Savannah asks, her eyes narrowing at the three older boys. "Hey, Will." The blonde greets the younger boy separately as he slides into the seat beside Grace.

The two youngest waste no time starting a conversation and begin talking in somewhat hushed whispers. Duan and Kailani share a look; they are convinced Grace and William have feelings for each other.

"Introducing our new friend," Kelly moves aside to reveal Nahele. Savannah instantly perks up, her full attention on Nahele, while the smug look on Kelly's face seems to grow. The rest of the group settle down, begin eating their lunch, and speak among themselves.

"So," Kelly begins, his full attention on Kailani. "How was your meeting with HPD?"

Kailani instantly sneers at the boy and gives him the nastiest glare she can muster. "Go to hell, Iona."

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