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Bea had already spent a few hours in the bands apartment. It was surprisingly nice for three boys living there, it seemed she lucked out on befriending the small percentage of men who actually knew how to work a washing machine.

Mike was exactly how Eddie described; cool. He gave Bea a warm smile upon her entering and for the most part remained quiet, just plucking at his guitar whilst reruns of Beavis and Butthead played on their small television.

Her and Eddie had spoken more and gotten to know eachother better. She was now pretty sold on the fact he wasn't a serial killer. They spoke about music; she learnt her and Eddie had pretty similar taste, what with their shared love for The Beatles and Pixies amongst others.

As she got the chance to speak to Eddie more, Bea found herself a little befuddled in how much she cared about what he was saying. She was hanging on every word that fell from his pouty mouth, worrying.

"So tell me more about this band, I forgot that you guys aren't just espresso-pullers" Bea pulled her knees to her chest as she faced more towards Eddie.

"Well Mike plays lead guitar, Stone plays rhythm, our other band mates Dave and Jeff live not too far from the Cafe, they play drums and bass"

"And that leaves you as?"

"Pianist" Eddie deadpanned.

Bea shot him a confised look, "Seriously?"

Eddie laughed at her confusion, shaking his head, "I wish, I sing"

"Ha ha funny, but that's so cool, lay some pipes for me now Vedder"

Eddie blushed instantly, "Nope, you'll have to just catch a show"

"Spoilsport" Bea pouted, "not even a little ditty for your dear old friend?" she heard Mike laugh from his chair.

"I've known you for less than a day total" Eddie snorted.

"Devils in the details!"

"Still no"

Bea huffed, "I'll get you to serenade me one day Vedder"

"Not likely, like I said you gotta catch a show"

"Oh yeah and when will that be?" Bea fiddled with the material of the couch

"We're supporting Soundgarden next week actually" Mike added from the corner, still plucking away.

"Wait i've heard of them! My friend back home worked at a record store and he showed me this album — fuck I cant remember the name" Bea racked her brains, trying desperately to think.

"Louder than Love?" Eddie asked

"No it was like one with loads of bands on it"

"No way you're talking about Deep Six" Mike seemed genuinely surprised.

"Yes!" Bea snapped her fingers, "Deep Six and it had all these amazing bands on there!"

"You've unknowingly already met one of the members of the bands on that record" Mike put his guitar down, retrieving a record from the stack next to him.

She whipped her head round to face Eddie, "No way you're on there"

Eddie blushed again, "Yeah you're right with no way"

She gave him a confused stare, before Mike pointed to a band on the record sleeve.

"Green River was Stones old band, him and Jeff used to be in it with the lead singer of Mudhoney"

"Mudhoney i've have heard of them too! But oh my god" Bea slapped her hand to her forehead, "I insulted a celebrity"

Mike and Eddie burst out laughing, much to Bea's horror.

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