You're at a new school for the first time.
And the first person you run into just has to be the school's biggest jerk.
???: Hey, watch it! Are you blind!
Y/N: Sorry. I didn't see you. It's my first time here.
???: Maybe watch where you're going.
I tried escaping again. But nothing happened. I let go and pushed me on the floor. I had a bruise on my arm, and my stomach was in pain. Skz: WTH ____________________________________________________________
The boys walked up to me. Chan: Are you ok? Jisoo: No. Hyunjin: I'll do it ok? Jisoo: Hyunjin, you don't have to. Hyunjin: I know. But I want to. Jisoo: *Sigh* Nothing can stop yo from being you. Go ahead. But don't hurt yourself. Hyunjin: I won't. Jeez. Maria: She gave up. Oppa- Hyunjin: I'm not your Oppa Maria! Maria: Whatever. Are you sure you wanna fight them? Hyunjin: Does it look like I'm holding back? Maria: *Sigh* Fine. But you'll have to fight 7 people. Hyunjin: Fine with me. Jisoo: I don't wanna watch. Me and the rest of the boys went back to the school and waited for Hyunjin after the fight. 30 MINUTES LATER Boys: We have to go. Felix: Do you think you can wait for him here? Jisoo: Yeah, I'll be fine. Seungmin: Are you sure? Jisoo: Yes. Now go. They left, and Hyunjin came back 2 minutes later. Jisoo: Oh god. Are you ok? Hyunjin: Yes. I'm fine. Are you? Jisoo: Yeah. Come with me. I brought him to my house. AT HOME Jisoo: OPPA! Jin: HI! Jisoo: Where are you? Jin: I'm in my room. Jisoo: Ok. I brought him to my room. Jisoo: Stay here. I need to get something. Hyunjin: Ok. I went to get the first-aid kit. Jin's POV: So Jisoo brought a boy home? Jin: Jisoo? Jisoo: He got hurt fighting for me. Jin: Fighting? For what? Jisoo: Someone... hurt me. Jin: What. I showed him my arm, and my stomach. Jin: Jisoo~ Jisoo: Sorry~ Jin: How and Why did it happen? Jisoo: A girl came up to me smacked my head, asked if we wanted to fight, then Whabbam Jin: *Sigh* Go. Jisoo: Please Forgive me. Jin: I do. I'm just, relieved you're ok. He kissed my forehead, and I went to Hyunjin. Jisoo: Shit. It's bleeding. What did they do to you Hyunjin: A few punches, they were pretty weak tho. Jisoo: Well your lip is bleeding pretty bad. So they couldn't be too weak. Hyunjin: You got a point. But they still were weak. Jisoo: Whatever. Look at me. He did as said. I took a cloth with a bit of alcohol on it, and gently put it on his bottom lip. Hyunjin: Ow. Jisoo: SORRY After I finished I sat in front of him. Jisoo: Anymore Bruises? Hyunjin: No. Thank you tho. Jisoo: Mhm. Then I remembered my bruises. Jisoo: Heh, Can you help, please. Hyunjin: Ok. I gave him my arm, and he wrapped it in a bandage. Jisoo: Thank you! Hyunjin: *Nods* Jin: Jisoo! Jisoo: YESSS! Jin: SABRIANA'S COMING OVER LATER Jisoo: Yay! I was excited. Sabrina is a friend of mine and we rarely see each other. Hyunjin: ... Jisoo: Heh, can you out there for a while? Hyunjin: Sure... He walked out of the room, and I took a shower. Outfit
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