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Minho: Makes sense
Y/N: Why you never tell me?
Hyunjin: Because you would tell mom, mom will tell dad, and dad would kill me.
Y/N: THEN YOU SHOULDNT HAVE- You know what... Never mind.
Jisoo: So... Are we continuing the game?
Minho: Guess so.
Jisoo: Y/N, truth or dare?
Y/N: Truth.
Jisoo: Did you ever question being Hyunjin's sister?
Y/N: Is that even a question? Minho, t or d?
Minho: D
Y/N: I dare you tell us why you bully.
Minho: I-
Y/N: You can't run away now.
Minho: Fine. But you have to promise to keep it a secret.
Jisoo: Promise.
Hyunjin: Promise.
Y/N: ... Promise.
Minho: I had a few family problems when I was younger, it was too the point where I was forced to bully. After a few months it started to grow on me, so I got used to it.
Jisoo: Makes sense
Y/N: But why you gotta bully me!
Minho: Sorry!
Y/N: Whatever.
Minho: Hyunjin, truth or dare?
Hyunjin: Truth.
Minho: What was the whole point of buying Jisoo a puppy.
Jisoo: I still call it puppy.
Hyunjin: She looks like one.
Y/N: I can't agree less.
Jisoo: Is no one going to realize that I've been stuck with a puppy for 2 years without it's name?
Jisoo nods.
Jisoo: I have no idea what to name him.
Y/N: What breed?
Jisoo: German Shepard
Y/N: Max? Lucas?
Jisoo: I mean, Max works.
Y/N: Great, now you need to get his collar.
Jisoo: Cool.
Y/N: Oh and, do you still buy him Llamas?
Jisoo: Yup!
Hyunjin: Whatever.
Jisoo: Drama Llama.
Hyunjin: 🙄
Jisoo: Y/N, t or d
Y/N: Why do you always ask me!
Jisoo: Answer the fucking question lady.
Jisoo: How do you think your high school life will end.
Y/N: Heart Broken. Just like Middle.
Hyunjin: Did he do anything?
Y/N: No. Just went with some bitch and we had a fight. And BOOM. He chose her over me.
Hyunjin: I told you he was a bad choice. You would've been better off with Felix.
Y/N: Do you even know his sexuality?
Hyunjin shakes his head no. I can't believe this person.
Y/N: You don't know your own best friends are gay?
Hyunjin: All of them.
Minho: I'm not.
Y/N: Yeah. Felix likes Changbin, Jeongin likes Seungmin, Jisung likes Chan.
Hyunjin: Wow, can't believe they kept this a secret.
Hyunjin: But Jisung
Minho: He's an animal.
Hyunjin: They all are.
Minho: No. He's a letteral Animal.
Hyunjin: Mhm...
Jisoo: Who were you guys talking about?
Y/N: 8th grade ex.
Jisoo: You had 1 for every grade in Middle?
Y/N: No. Only 7th and 8th. Then I took a break. But... I had 2 in 7th. 😅
Jisoo: Player.
Minho: Lol. You go played.
Jisoo: Ok. But who were you talking about?
Y/N: Um... Andrew.
Jisoo: Such a common name.
Y/N: Whatever. There was Xander, Who was my first in 7th. Josh, who was my 2nd in 7th. And Andrew, who was my 3rd in 8th. Xander knew we weren't going to last. Josh was a bitch but broke it off after he realized he was gay. And Andrew, is just Andrew.
Jisoo: Did you ever develop 2nd feelings for any?
Y/N: Xander, yeah. But it wasn't going to work. Plus I moved on. It's not like I'm going to be a Disney princess and find a prince "Charing" or a "Knight in shining Armor". Istg Disney is such a rig.
Jisoo: Yeah. But it may happen one day.
Y/N: It may, we never know.
Jisoo: Whatever.
Y/N: Hyunjin. T or D?
Hyunjin: I'm tired.
Y/N: I'm going to smack you. Answer the question!
Hyunjin: Truth.
Y/N: Why are you my brother? *Sigh* 
Hyunjin: I don't know. Ask mom and dad. They're the ones who-
Y/N: Yes. I get it. You explained it to me when we were 12. I don't need to know this again.
Hyunjin: Sorry you were too innocent.
Jisoo: Wait-
She smacked him.
Hyunjin: She would need to know sooner or later.
Jisoo: Y'all were 12!
Hyunjin: Sorry!
Jisoo: *sigh* Whatever.
Y/N: What time is it?
Jisoo: 6:30.
Hyunjin: Shit. The boys are coming at 7.
Y/N: Idiot.
Hyunjin: Smartass.
I stood up, but Minho grabbed my hand before I could do anything.
Y/N: Let go.
Minho: Sit down.
I looked at him. And sat back down.
Y/N: You're scary.
Jisoo: *Screams in Fangirl*
Y/N: No. End of the story.
Jisoo: But-
Y/N: No.
Jisoo: Fine.
Hyunjin: Let's go.
Hyunjin, Minho, and I stood up.
Jisoo: Bye bye~
Y/N: Bye bye~ 🥺
We left and went home.
Y/N: Why did we leave so early?
Hyunjin: Because we both know Jeongin was going to come early.
By the time we got home, guess who walked up 
Y/N: Jeongin?
Jeongin waved to me. I ran to him and gave him a hug.
Jeongin: Hi Noona!
Y/N: I have so many children, but I'm happy you're my youngest.
I broke the hug.
Y/N: So....
Jeongin: The other are coming soon.
Y/N: Ok.
We went inside.
Hyunjin: So... you just forgot about me?
Jeongin: I've seen a lot. She just came back Australia 
Hyunjin: Whatever.
Minho: And this is why we call you Mr. Llama.
Hyunjin: 🙄
10 minutes later
Someone knocked on the door.
Y/N: I got it!
I ran downstairs and opened the door already excited to se who I knew was going to be there.
Y/N: *screams lightly*
Skz: Hai!
They came in. But Felix went straight tp hug me.
Felix: I missed you!
Y/N: I did too! But I can't breathe. 
Felix: Sorry.
He let me go. And I went to Chan.
Y/N:Is that food I see.
Chan: No...
Y/N: Where's the laptop.
Chan: In an hidden place for you not to see.
Chan: Ha!
Y/N: whatever. 
I went back upstairs to my room.
Minho's POV: 
Y/N went up stairs, and the boys stayed downstairs.
Changbin: So...
Seungmin: How's Jisoo?
He said trying  starting a conversation.
Hyunjin: She's good.
Seungmin: That's good.
Then it went back to silent. Y/N came back. All attention was on her.
Y/N: Am I in trouble?
We all shake our heads.
Y/N: Then stop being awkward with Y'all annoying asses.
It just went back to being silent.
Y/N's POV:
Y/N: Since you guys won't talk...
I bit my lip trying to suggest something to do...
Y/N: Children, do you wanna watch a movie.
Felix: Please!
Jisung: Yes.
Seungmin: Ok.
Jeongin: *Nods*
Y/N: Great.
Hyunjin: And what about us.
Y/N: Find a way to start a conversation. You guys are older than them.
Minho: So!
Y/N: So stop being awkward, AND TALK
Minho: No thank you~
Y/N: *Sigh* I can't deal with your ass right now.
I got some popcorn and put it in the Microwave so it can pop.
Y/N: You guys can go to my room and wait for me there if you.
Maknaes(Jisung, Felix, Seungmin, Jeongin: Ok.
They went upstairs. And I sat down on the counter.
Y/N: Hey Chan?
Chan: Yes?
Y/N: Why didn't you tell me you guys were gay?
Changbin was shocked along with Chan.
Chan:... Ask Felix. He chose to keep it a secret.
Y/N: Like you would listen to Felix.
Minho: She got you there!
Y/N: Just tell me.
Changbin: They thought you were homophobic.
Y/N: Well, I'm not. And you guys could've told me. Ok?
Chan: Ok
Y/N: If you want I can order pizza, and when the others fall asleep we can just hang out?
Changbin: Yeah sure.
Chan: Don't forget the Cheesecake!
Y/N: I won't forget the Pizza!
Chan: *Sigh* Fine
The popcorn was finished popping. And I took it out.
I got the popcorn and put it in a bowl.
Y/N: Bye bye.
Chan: Bye bye.
2 hours later.
Y/N: Go to sleep FELIX!
Felix: NO
Y/N: Fine. No FoRtNiTe.
Felix: FINE!
He went to sleep and sighed of relief. Then went downstairs.
Chan: Can you babysit him one day?
Y/N: Hell no.
Chan: :(
Y/N: You just got to take his FoRtNiTe away.
Changbin: Makes sense.
Y/N: So... Movie marathon, or Games?
Hyunjin: Movie
Minho: You suggested it. Plus, we've played enough games today.
Y/N: Oh shut up.
Minho: 🙄
Chan: And to think you guys were ever going to become friends.
Y/Nho: Think again.
Changbin: Whatever. Just order the pizza.
Y/N: Ok. What toppings?
Boys: Peperoni!
Y/Nho: Any drinks.
Chan: Coke
Changbin: Sprite
Minho: Fruit Punch
Hyunjin: Fanta
Y/Nho: You know what. I'm going to the store. Yawl too complicated. Anyone wanna come.
Boys(But Minho): LEE KNOW
I glared at them, then looked at Minho to see him doing the same.
Y/N: I h8 you.
Hyunjin: Love ya too Sis!
Y/N: Don't even claim me as your sister idiot.
Hyunjin: Ouch. That hurt.
Y/N: *Sigh*
Minho and I walked outside to go to the store.
Minho: So... store or dominos first?
Y/N: Dominos.
He nodded and we were on our way to dominos.
We walked in.
??? & ???: What is it now.
Once I saw who they were my expression darkened
Y/N: Xander? Andrew?
Xander & Andrew: Y/N?
Y/N: Nope we're going to CC's! C'mon Minho.
Andrew's POV:
Y/N left with a boy we've never seen before. "Who is that with her, and why is he with my girl"
Andrew: I'm going after them.
Xander: Don't do anything stupid. And tell her and the boy I said Hi.
I just rolled my eyes at him and went after Y/N.
Y/N's POV:
Andrew: Y/N WAIT!
I just pulled Minho's arm and walked faster.
Minho: Who is that?
Y/N: One of the exes I was talking about earlier.
Minho: Andrew?
Y/N: Yeah.
Minho: Why do you seem so scared?
Y/N: Please just stop asking question.
Minho: Fine.
Andrew: Y/N Please.
He got close enough to grab my arm.
Y/N: What do you want Andrew?
Andrew: I want to apologize.
Y/N: It's not accepted. Now let me go.
Andrew: Please Y/N!
Andrew: I'm not letting go until you accept my apology.
Minho: She said let her go.
Andrew: And you are?
Minho: That's none of your business.
Y/N: Andrew, I'm going to break your arm.
Andrew: Ha! Like you do tha-
I took his arm twisted it, and and flipped him to the ground.
Minho: Whoa
Andrew: *Screaming in pain*
Y/N: Told ya.
I dialed Xander's number.
Y/N: Alexander?
Xander: Yes?
Y/N: You might wanna call an ambulance for your sweet little friend over here.
Xander: You broke another arm?
Y/N: You got it. What's your prize. 
Xander: Keeping you away from breaking another bone. Thank you.
Y/N: Whatever. Just call the ambulance.
Xander: Fine.
He hung up and called an ambulance.
Y/N: So... Chinese Food?
Minho: Fine by me!
We went to the store to get the drinks, then headed to Green House (I LOVE GREEN HOUSE)
Lady: What can I get for you two.
Y/N: Can we get a
Lady: That will be $25.99
Minho: I'm paying
Y/N: I'm eating.
Minho: 🙄
He gave the Lady the money, and she got the orders. We got 5 fortune cookies, although Hyunjin doesn't want one. But because Chan is still a baby.
Lady: Here you go.
Y/N: Thank you.
Lady: No Problem!
We headed home.
Y/N: We got Chinese food instead because there was an asshole at dominos!
Chan: Yay!
Hyunjin: Ok.
Changbin: As long as I eat, I'm ok.
I set the food on the counter.
Y/N: So... Chan, you're only getting one fortune cookie today.
Chan: Why?
Y/N: Because I said so.
Chan: Yeah, yeah.
Y/N: Hyunjin, how much chicken?
Hyunjin: 3 pieces please.
Y/N: Changbin?
Changbin: 4.
Y/N: Minho.
Minho: I don't want any.
Y/N: *Shrugs* You're getting some anyway. How much Chan?
Chan: 3 please. 
Y/N: Ok.
I shared out the food. And we all started eating.
Minho: Hyunjin, Your sister broke a bone.
Hyunjin: Y/N!
Y/n: He was holding onto my arm, even when I told him to let it go multiple times.
Hyunjin: FINE! I let it pass. But next time I'm telling dad.
Y/N: Fine.
I kept eating.
Minho: So... Activities?
Y/N: Um... 2 movies?
Hyunjin: Sure. What games?
Y/N: Yawl said no games.
Chan: No. MINHO sai-
Y/N: Just shut up and eat.
Chan: Fine!
We kept eating.
Hyunjin: What films did you watch with the boys?
Y/N: Jeongin wanted to watch Mickey, Seungmin wanted to watch SpongeBob, Jisung & Felix wanted to watch the Dora movie.
Hyunjin: . . .
Changbin & Minho: *Bursting into laughter*
Y/N: Jeez, those kids really are babies.
Changbin: What Movies?
Y/N: Um... (Two of your favorite movies)
Hyunjin: NOOOO
Chan & Changbin: I don't mind them.
We sat on the couch and watched a movie. There was a kissing scene so I covered Chan Oppa's eyes.
Chan: Y/N~
Y/N: You're still a child.
Then Minho covered my eyes when it go more "intense"
Y/N: Minho~
Minho: Nope.
Then Hyunjin skipped the part.
Hyunjin: Babies. 🙄
Then we all removed our hands. 
After the 1st Movie. I heard someone coming downstairs.
Jeongin: Noona
Y/N: Yes child?
Jeongin: I can't sleep.
Y/N's mind: Aish, this child.
Y/N: What happened?
Jeongin: Well... Jisung's kicking, Felix snoring, Seungmin's too cute.
Y/N: What can I do to help.
Jeongin: *Shrugs*
Y/N: Go back to sleep child.
Minho: Bitch-
Y/N: Language.
Minho: Gurl, he can't sleep.
Y/N: Well, what do you expect me to do? He's 13.
Minho: Yeah. He's 13. HE'S STILL A KID.
Chan/Changbin/Hyunjin: .^.
Y/N: *sigh* Here. Just listen to some music. OK?
Jeongin: Ok.
I have him my earbuds. And he went back upstairs.
Y/N: I am never having a child. *whispering to herself*
Then we watched the second movie. 
Minho's POV: 
I noticed that Y/N started to get a bit sleepy, so I laid her head on my shoulder.
Y/N: What are you doing?
Minho: Just go to sleep. Ok?
She nodded and slowly fell asleep. The boys fell asleep not so long after but Hyunjin was still half awake.
Minho: I'm going to take Y/N to her room. 
Hyunjin: *tired* yeah ok.
I carried her to her room, and laid her on the bed. "Seems like the other were sleeping in a different room." I left the room.

Enemies with A secret|Minho(Lee Know/Skz) FF|Where stories live. Discover now