Chapter 31

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By late October Marla had adjusted to her new reality. Both sides of the family were completely on board with the new addition. They were still not aware of what the sex of the baby was, but whatever it was going to be, they were ready. Marla still wasn’t sure if she was going to finish school in the Spring or if she was going to wait to finish the semester the next year. That was one of the scariest things for her to decide. They both decided that she couldn’t stop working. She was too good at what she did to stop. She did not have a hard time thinking about names, colors or even when she would see Bruno anymore. There was a rhythm to his schedule that she had fallen into. He was there and then he wasn’t. But when he was there he was there 1000%. He went to several doctors appointments with her and he loved every second of it. Marla did put off training for the half marathon they had discussed months in the past, but, she really didn’t have time to think about it. Amidst all the school, doctor’s appointments and family time Marla had to fit in, they were also looking for a house – a house big enough to grow into.

“I want one with a pool. And a big room where I can put all my stuff. “ he told her as they sat on the couch flipping through houses that a realtor had sent them.

“As long as we have 3 bedrooms and a huge kitchen – that’s all I want.” she told him.

“This one….” he stopped on a traditional Californian home in West Hollywood. It was painted grey with a white picket fence in the front. He clicked on the pictures.

“Oh…my……” she was speechless. “And look at the kitchen…” she moved his hand from the mouse to click through the photos. He moved his hand out of her way.

“Do you want to look at it, Marley?” he asked her.

“I don’t need to look at it Bruno. I know this is our house. Call the realtor now.”


Three days later, Marla was sitting in her class of 15 when her phone vibrated. Bruno still didn’t understand the concept of class. There was a schedule. She was there every Tuesday and Thursday from 10 am to 11:30 AM – no matter where he was. That day he was in Amsterdam. He had left just the day before. They had put in an offer for the house after he insisted they went to look at it later that day. It was as beautiful as she gushed. Her professor – an experienced grant writer and a former non-profit executive was rambling about keywords to use in Requests for Proposals. Marla, along with her classmates had drifted away long before her phone vibrated.

“Ms. Gonzales, are you going to answer that?” her professor asked.

“Umm, no. He can wait. Or leave a message. Either way.”

Marla had only told 10 of her very close classmates about her relationship and only 4 of them – the 4 that she had been partnered with since day 1 – about the pregnancy. She knew that it would be somewhat scandalous once everyone found out. It would somehow get to the undergrads and then to the whole school. It would be over by then. She was surprised that many more people hadn’t found out that she was dating him. Since that evening at Pinot they had only been spotted together at 2 other events. No one had bothered her either. She got nervous, though, every time someone questioned her about anything. Her phone vibrated again.

“Are you famous or something?” her professor asked as it vibrated.

“Maybe in a small town or something…I’ll be right back…I’m so sorry.”

She excused herself and walked outside.

“Hi?” she answered the phone.

“You’re in class aren’t you?” he asked her.

“Yeah…and I think they think I have a stalker or something.”

“You do. It’s me.” he responded. “Oh…but the real reason I called was to tell you we got the house. It’s ours, baby doll!”

“Oh, Bruno that’s so great! What do I need to do? You’re not going to be home for a few more weeks right?” He explained the details to her. She needed to show up at the inspection, go to the office, sign her name on the deed (he was paying for the house she was paying part of the taxes… it made her feel like she was contributing something) and the house would be theirs. If the house passed the inspection, which it likely would, they would get the keys that Saturday. “I love you, Bruno Mars! You are amazing!” she said loudly. A group of undergrads glanced over at her excitement. She rolled her eyes and shook her head to indicate that she was just being silly. “I will talk to you later, love you.” she hung up her phone and hurried back into her classroom. 

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