authors note

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Hey guys I just thought I'd tell you why its taking so long for me to do updates to my storys and why there so short. Well I'm getting ready and studying for my high school exams so its taking a bit longer to update but I promise you I will update as much as I can.

There one more thing I'd like to talk about before i go a lot of people have been commenting on my storys saying like theres some spelling mistakes or THERES A LOT OF SPELLING MISTAKES and believe me I know that but it doesn't make people feel good when there called out by other people for there mistakes. You don't know how good or bad there self confidence is and saying stuff like that doesn't help. If theres spelling mistakes or something doesn't make sense then either fix it in your head or write it down don't embarrass people or make people feel like there dumb or they did and bad job like that. Stop being rude.

Anyway I hope you take all this in and think about what you guys are doing and for the rest of you thank you so much and I promise I will update all my stories when I can thank you for being so patient😘

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