maybe a friend

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Me and Anna have been talking for about a month. And we are taking it really slow, otherwise I would have asked her to be my girlfriend. This is her first girl and girl relationship, and she isn't out to most people, so it's secret.

What I mean by secret is that our parents are best friends and have been since high school. Our parents both built houses on a huge property together, so we are always walking distance from each other. We have family meals together almost every night. And not to forget, me and Anna are best friend. We are the same age, but she's a little older, and we have always done EVERYTHING together.

Now the secret part, you see my family knows that I like girls and they are ok with it. And Anna is to scared of the backlash that she might face if she comes out. She told me she was bisexual a week before I told her I had feelings for her.

I told her she hat I have 'feelings' for her—-but no I am in love with her. Always have been, but I knew I never had a chance. Once a best friend, always a best friend.

But to my surprise, Anna said that she also has feelings for me. I was ecstatic when she said that. My heart was beating out of my chest. So now, a month or so later, we are still talking and I would love to call her my girlfriend, but she's not ready so I have to respect that.

So now that you're all caught up, let me inform you on what's happening now. Our families are on vacation to The Lake House. The Lake House is this beautiful house on the water. We are going to be here until next week, I think.

Oh and I have two twin brothers, Taylor and Tyler. And Anna has a brother, Tommy, and he's the twins age. And she has another brother, Brandon, he brought his friend, Sarah, on vacation with us though.
Story time ( still my POV):

I run back upstairs to my room that I share with Anna. I walk through the door to see the lights off and see that she's still sleeping. Damn. It's like 11:00 and she's still up. I'll wake her. I close the door gently and make sure no one can see me while I get on the queen sized bed with her. She is hugging the pillow I put with her this morning, when I woke up. We were cuddling this morning but I had to go refill the jet-ski with gas for today. I put my face really close to hers and I push her hair behind her ears as I whisper, "wake up beautiful. Come one boon let's go. We're going on the jetskis today to the sand bar. Everything is all i need is you. Wake up boon". Her eyes start moving but she's not up, so I get on top of her and kiss her face a thousand times. Between each kiss, "wake. Up. Boon. Wake. Up. Now.". Her eyes flutter open as I'm kissing her and she takes my jaw with her left hand and pulls me in for a hug. "Five more minutes please. I just wanna cuddle. Please I need your warmth", she whines. She needs me. HAPPY Y/N. I snuggle behind her as she wraps her body onto mine. I pull her closer, wanting no space left between us. I need her too.

We stay like this, Anna's eyes closed and me open eyed and scratching her hair softly, for a while till we hear Tommy at the door. Shit. Anna must've heared him to because she quickly turned around and faced the wall. I know that no one knows but still—that does have some hurt. I get off the bed and walk to my bed and jump on it, as the door opens.

He stays and looks for me until he sees me on my bed, "wake up Anna. Dad said she's been asleep to long", he whispers. "Ok I'll do it", I whisper back. He closes the door.

I get up and turn on the lights. She gets up to. "Good morning boon", I say in a quiet voice as I put on my swim trunks. She is staring at me. I'm not I? I look down and see that I don't have a shirt on. Oh, my abs. Yeah that makes sense. "G-good morning", she stutters.
After we are both dressed in our swim suits, with a couple of stares from one another, we walk downstairs to the pier. We put on our swim shirts over.
I start my Seadoo (jet-ski) and she starts her matching one. We Bluetooth our phones to the radio speakers and play our music. We race off.
After a long day of racing jet-skis and a lot of other things, me, Anna, the twins, and Tommy all park our jet-skis at the Sandbar.

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