Part 2

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Flotts: I don't think Maestro would like this guy at all.... he's too.... touchy? What do you think Maestro?

Maestro: ....*He shook his head in agreement.* ... Certainly not.... Everybody knows that germs can be transferred by touch, and I truly am not fond of that. Unless 'tis my sons I wouldn't dare touch ye. Honestly... this one is much more horrible than that savage beast. If Fell can't stand him, how would thee think I would react encountering this... this.... anomaly? Although... I would stand up for Blind, I wouldn't want that creature making him uncomfortable... he already has a disability.

Flotts: Mnn... I guess you're kind of right... although he has his own character, that's something like-able about him.

Maestro: Like-able?! Art thou out of thee's mind?!

Flotts: W-what...?

Maestro: --.... Oh... nevermind.

Bun: naw... I'm gonna agree with maestro here...this guy is a jerk and loves to examine "specimens" that might catch his interest. *She noticed Sf coming towards them.*
OH CRAP HERE HE COMES!!*bunny hid in a hole and dragged fox down with her.*

Swapfell: now, now....where did that adorable small humanoid Oryctolagus Cuniculus go. I should've expected it to maintain the speed of any Oryctolagus Cuniculus, silly me.....*he spotted maestro* and what do we have here :)..*inches closer to get a better look*

Maestro: *Kurumi Scared icon**He freezes up but he managed to give a cough* Excuse me... but thou art invading my space.... and I would appreciate it, if you leave my Blind friend alone, please.

SF: "Ah, yes... B, as the "others" tend to call him. He is quite the unique specimen; not exactly humanoid, but not entirely animalistic. If only I could study him closer....If it weren't for that red idiot keeping him so close to him. However, if you sooo wish for me to leave such a beautiful specimen alone, I can always study you then...*He comes closer to maestro and places a hand on maestro's face where his bass crack is* may not be as interesting as "B" is, but I still do find you fascinating. These cracks on your face do catch my attention, and those eyes of yours are quite unique to your kind aren't they? They say the eyes are the windows to your soul...I wonder what yours looks like. *he chuckles darkly*

(I told you fox, he's a creep.... this is why I can't have him in the gang....)

Maestro: *His words were ringing within his head as he tried hard not to shake like a leaf, and he closed his eyes for a moment, crossing his arms. The moment he opens his eyes, they've turned into treble-clefs, which only happens whenever a monster of their kind feels a pure emotion. Right now he's being sincere, honest and serious. He held a piercing gaze, directing it at the hooligan in front of him* Art thou sure.... if I agree to be one of your..... "specimens" ....thee will leave Blind alone?

(Y-you're right. I don't think Maestro can handle this guy. Although... what is Maestro doing...?

SF: "how would be willing to be my "specimen"... to allow me to examine you in any way I see fit or perform any procedure on you...for the sake of one "friend". *He chuckles.* well then.....I suppose I should be fair. If you were to become my new "toy", then I will certainly leave the other one alone. I will give you all my undying attention and services, and in return...I expect the same. After all... *he lets go of maestro's face and does a small bow.* I am a gentleman as well as a scientist. *SF does not seem to be intimidated at all by Maestro.....but seems excited?*

Maestro: *His eyes return back into music notes as he pulls out a handkerchief from his pocket and wipes his face, sighing. His voice is shaking a bit.* A true gentleman would never plot nor think bad thoughts against another. And I refuse to be called a toy... I may consider putting myself under danger for a dear friend, but I will not answer to someone who thinks so lowly of me. Just so thee know, not even one of those "others" lays a hand on me, not even Fell. Hmmph, thee has no hint of humility whatsoever. *The notes on his eyes turns upside down, expressing his distress.*

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