Chapter II

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Oliver and I sat there till it got dark. Before we went in, I looked in through the window and saw my parents arguing.
"C'mon Ollie. It's getting dark, let's go in." I said.
"Aww. Okay." he says as he holds my hand and we start walking to the house.
"Don't worry. They come everyday." I say.
We walk inside and I whisper to Ollie to go up to his room and that I will meet him there in a few minutes.
"So? What were you guys arguing about?" I ask curiosily.
"Oh nothing you need to worry about. Just financial issues." my mom says.
"Oh. Are....Are we okay?" I ask.
"Yeah it's fine. Don't worry about it." my dad says.
"Alright. Well I'm going to tuck Ollie into bed in about 30 minutes." I said heading for the stairs.
"Okay. Goodnight." my mom says.
I walk in Ollie's room and I see him already playing his Xbox. It's incredible my parents got a 6 year old a gaming system. I didn't even get a cell phone till the 8th grade.
"Rematch?" he asks starring at me with his big blue eyes.
"Your going to lose." I say as I pick up a controller.

After about half an hour of me losing again, I turn the game off and tell him to go to bed.
"But I don't want to go to bed!!" he insists.
"Oh c'mon. Please. You don't want the sleep fairy to awake from her slumber. If you don't go to sleep, she'll get mad."
"Yuck. Fairies." he says.
"Fine. The sleeping boogie monster. Now c'mon. Bed. Now. Please." I say.
"Fiiiiiiiine." he says. When he tried getting into his bed he found it difficult. You would think for as tall as he is, which is pretty tall for a 6 year old, he could jump into his own bed.
"Can you help me?" he asks.
I thought it was strange but I didn't think it mattered so I picked him up and put him into his bed. I put the covers over him and kiss him on the forehead.
"Goodnight." I say as walk out and close the door.
I go to my room and climb into bed. I was out like a light.
I awake to a bright Saturday morning and come down to eat breakfast. That day went by boring and long. Nothing I should ramble about.

It was about 5 o'clock pm when we went to the Jones'. We walked up to their front door and rang the doorbell. We seemed like such a perfect family right there on their doorstep. We all neatly did our hair and put on nice clothes. Even my mom was holding a container of homemade chocolate chip cookies. We seemed absolutely perfect. Successful careers, Successful parenting, Successful everything.


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