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"NO! YOU CHEATER!" Homachi or Homa as Zara and the rest of the family liked to call her screamed at the top of her lungs in her semi childish and petite fifteen year old voice as she slapped Zara on the arm. She took the die of the ludo game they were playing and flung it on her sister. Zara let out her usual hysteric laughter as she clutched on her stomach while lying down on the brown rug at the center of the living room where they both sat on opposite sides of the black coffee table and playing their game. Homa flushed at her big sister's taunt as she glared at her and Zara regains composure from her wild fit before voicing to her little sister who she was only older than by two years and two months.

"Just say you don't know how to play"

"See here...." Homa pointed furiously at the four colored board and Zara looks down at it in humor.
"I may not know how to play but I definitely know mathematics. The die showed a two and you played three. Three!!!"

Homa waves her arms all over the place to gesture her displeasure and Zara puts on a mock offended facade.

"I did not!" She retorted. 

"Liar!!" Homa retorts back and Zara rolls her eyes, finally giving into her sister's warning stare and moved her red ludo seed one step back to its rightful position.

"Better" Homa says proudly as she picked up the tiny empty toothpick cup or container they were using to roll the die. Zara hands over the die that was thrown at her back to her sister and Homa puts it in the cup and shakes it with two of her fingers sealing the opening. She slams the cup upside down on the board to release the die and it rolls to bring forth a six.

"YESSSSSSSS!!!" Homa threw her hands and jumped to her feet as she carried out her happy dance which involved just careless flinging of arms and legs. Zara watches her with boredom and disinterest waiting till she was done. Chimobi or Mobi as was his pet name speaks up in a grim tone that showed displeasure.

"Can't you guys see I'm trying to study here?" The nineteen year old merely snaps at his younger siblings from the dining room table which was only demarcated from the fairly large living area by an arch. His head was up from the textbooks and notebooks littered all over the table and his face was morphed into one of unhappiness. Homa stops as she turns and snorts at him.

"So because you're now in the university, we won't have peace again abi?" She scoffs and Zara stifles back a laugh as she watched her elder brother settle in rage. She too decides to add more fuel to the already blazing fire.

"As in eh!.." Zara adds dramatically. "It's not like he even got any prestigious course like Engineering or Medicine. He got Anatomy. Anatomy!!!" She shouts again to emphasize the word and Mobi flashes her an angry look.

"Why are you saying it as though it's a bad course? And how would you even know? You're an art student and as for you..." He points to Homa. "You're just in junior secondary school"

Zara gives him a hardened stare feeling annoyance rise in her. She hated the stereotype always being thrown to her face that students in the sciences were always better than those in the arts. Those words coming from certain people especially the jerks at her school always enraged her. Her brother was no exception.

"Mind yourself" Zara warns and Mobi's lips contort to a smile knowing he was successful in his deed. He knew she hated those words knowing it would cause a sense of inferiority which always angered her. He always did it for the jokes but sometimes she needed something to close that mouth of hers up and Mobi was the one with that key. Homa wouldn't even dare say the words or that would be her death sentence on the spot.

"And also...." Mobi continues. "I've already told you guys that if my CGA is high by the end of the session, I'll transfer to Medicine and Surgery by second year"

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