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Not that she expected any different, but the silence she was faced with when she entered the building still felt strange. It hung heavy on the grey walls, there were no voices, no laughs, and no curses. Just nothing, just her breathing. Just silence. 

She wondered why she couldn't hear the screams that were loud enough to penetrate the walls, to reach her from nearly across the forest. Yet another mystery to figure out, she thought with a sigh, glancing at the map in her hand. 

It wasn't giving her much detail, just a vague idea of where to go to get to the top level with cells and laboratories, or the basement with the archives. She had decided to inspect the latter first, desperate to find any information about this building. Maybe it would give her an idea of where Alex was. 

She started walking in the direction the map was pointing towards, hoping she won't run into anyone on her way. She had left her knife inside of the lab-coat guy she had killed earlier.

And because the world was feeling cruel, it was the moment she thought of going back for it, a guard turned the corner and saw her.

He was instantly charging at her, and she didn't have enough time to dodge or throw off his weight. He slammed into her, forcing her into the wall so hard white-hot pain exploded in the back of her head. For a second her world went dark and stars were dancing in her vision for a few moments, but luckily they disappeared swiftly, and she could see clearly again.

His knife was hovering just above her stomach, the blade nearly touching her skin, threatening to break it at the first opportunity. He gritted his teeth, his arm shaking with the effort of him pushing her against the wall, and the blonde pushing back. She managed to force his arm back enough to give herself an opening, her leg coming out and hooking around his. She jerked it back, but the guard dragged her down with him. They both fell but only momentarily, neither of them wasting any time before regaining their footing.

Then, a kick to her back made her knees hit the ground once again, her arms coming out the last second to ease the fall ever so slightly. Someone yanked her head back by her hair, pressing a knife against her throat. "Who are you?" the snarling guard above her hissed out the question. She tried to move, but found the knife pressing even harder into her neck. She could feel a thin trail of blood trickling down.

The guard let go of her hair he had bawled up in his fists, his hand moving to roughly gripping her arm. The knife stayed at her throat. "Get up," he growled, all but lifting her up. When she was standing again, she took the chance to count her opponents.

She counted five, including the one currently holding her. If she could get out of his hold maybe she could take them. It didn't even matter if she could. She had to try.

She had to find Alex. They had to have her.

She didn't know if the thought of Alex triggered the events that happened next. Really, it didn't matter. All that mattered was the sudden power she could feel running through her veins.

First, her entire body froze and the guard holding her snapped at her because of it. One of the guards was in front of her, his handgun raised and pointing at her, but his aim dropped slightly as he watched her. He furrowed his brows, because suddenly she stopped moving. Completely. 

Then, in the most terrifying thing he had ever seen, she locked eyes with him. And he saw red bleeding like oil from her pupil until her eyes were completely red, save for the pupil that remained the coldest shade of black he had ever seen. And she smiled at him, showing her teeth in a way that was more like an animal than a person. There was nothing good in a smile like that.

My demons: Healing (book 3)Where stories live. Discover now