04 ; challenge

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Ivy laid up at night wondering what she could possibly do to get closer with James. If he found out what his mother had asked Ivy to do, he'd be absolutely enraged. He would most likely push Ivy as far away as possible. She needed an excuse to reduce his suspicions. Ivy was one of the brightest witches ever to come to Hogwarts, she would surely think of something, and of course she did.

She sprung out of bed pulling on her coat and slippers, trying her best not to wake Harlow sleeping from across the room. She tip-toed her way out of the common room and into the halls of Hogwarts. She cautiously walked towards Headmistress McGonagall's office hoping she would not be caught and end up in detention. The Headmistress usually wouldn't leave her study till very late at night, allowing Ivy to speak to her in private without suspicion from her friends or any other students.

The Headmistress looked up in surprise as the young Ravenclaw made her way into her study. "Mrs.Blane I hope you know you are breaking curfew. I should write you up this instant." She stated. "Unless of course there is a reason for the unexpected surprise."

"Headmistress I wouldn't have broken curfew unless it was a serious matter." Ivy started. "Ginevra Potter has asked me to help James through this tournament, but him and I don't get along as you know, he'd immediately suspect something if I started acting kind towards him. Therefore I came up with an idea that might help me." She finished sending a small smile towards the Headmistress.

"Very well then Mrs.Blane, tell me what is this idea you had in mind?" She asked putting all her attention towards the girl.

"Helpers, I believe they should be provided helpers. The games aren't a piece of cake, and usually the champions need advice or guidance during the task that have been assigned." She started informing the Headmistress. "If you assigned each Champion a helper from their school, it'd allow me to watch after James, and make sure he doesn't get into any trouble, or make any idiotic decisions."

The Headmistress gave the girl a questioning look. "Although I am positive I could make that happen, are you sure you both won't kill each other? You both don't have the best relationship, and I'm sure you'd end up feeding him to the dragons yourself." She finished giving the girl a worried glance.

"I wouldn't be surprised either," She cursed under her breath. "But Mrs.Potter has done so much for me, I believe I could handle James for a bit to repay her."

The Headmistress gave her one more glance of curiosity before agreeing. "Very well then, I will talk to each Headmaster to choose one candidate, and we will let the Champions know tomorrow. Now I advice you to head to bed before a professor catches you out at this time."

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