05 ; gossip

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"I still can't believe you got stuck with that twat." Scorpius stated from across the table. "I usually don't pity others, but getting stuck with James Potter is something I'd rather die than do."

The group was seated at the Ravenclaw table enjoying their lunch discussing the latest gossip at Hogwarts. Everyone knew the hatred Ivy and James carried for each other, therefore everyone was in shock when they heard of their 'partnership' in the games.

Another rumor that had been roaming through the school, was the sightings of dragons in the forbidden forest. The champions hadn't been given an exact date of the tournament, but they began preparing realizing it was closer than they had thought.

Ivy had the honor - note the sarcasm, of spending many long hours with James preparing for his first task. Ivy hadn't realized the difficulty helping James was, she had hoped he'd have a slight clue of what he was doing, but unfortunately for the both of them he hadn't.

The boy entered a dangerous tournament not even knowing how to cast a spell on preventing fire from burning his own wand, what was he thinking? She should have known she would be doing much more than just watching over him.

Luckily for James, Ivy managed to teach him the basics, along with other tricks on completing his task. She also read back on how his father had completed the task at only fourteen by using a broom, which was a massive help. James Potter had inherited his father and mother's quidditch skills and he could use that to his advantage.

"I've dreaded every minute of it." Ivy grumbled stabbing into the piece of chicken on her plate. "The boy had no clue what he was doing! He looked like a first year trying to fly a broom."

"I'm not surprised." Daisy Dursley replied. "He once came to the muggle world and took ages finding out how to turn on a laptop, it's common sense for Merlin's sake, there's a literal button that says on!"

Albus snickered. "My brother isn't the brightest of the three."

"I have to agree, Lily holds the spot." Ivy said replying to Albus.

"I won't even argue with that one." Albus said rolling his eyes knowing it was true.

"If it makes you feel better Albus, all men are idiots." Harlow said joining in on the conversation. "There is a reason I am into woman, your kind is just... eh."

Daisy and Ivy let out a laugh at Harlow's statement. Harlow never failed to mention her hatred for the male species.

"I'll have you know our 'kind' is magnificent." Albus said clearly butthurt over the girl's response. "Ivy and Daisy are into men, clearly we are not just 'eh'."

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