16.) Aphrodite Rangers Special

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The Aphrodite Rangers shifted nervously in their seats. Aphrodite had called them for a meeting in the amphitheatre at the Camp Jupiter branch, but why?

Suddenly, Aphrodite appeared in a poof of pink. She was handed a sparkly pink microphone. "Hey everyone!" She squealed. "Today I'm going to read you a story!" Everyone looked at her weirdly.

"Is it Divergent again?" Someone yelled.

Aphrodite giggled. "No! I'm going to read you three stories of mortals slash demigods meeting to Percabeth!" Everyone started whispering. "First up, 3.) Camp Half-Blood.

It was a quiet day at camp half-blood."

"That's got to mean something is wrong." A Ranger whispered to her friend who nodded.

Aphrodite ignored her. "Everyone was either enjoying the sunshine at the beach, or playing a game of capture the flag. Except two people. Annabeth was curled up in a ball in her cabin. Her sobs could be heard from the opposite side of camp."

"I need to give her a box of tissues!" A girl cried, referring to the many she had in her library.

" "Annabeth open up!" Percy yelled, banging on the door. He didn't know why she was crying, and it couldn't have been good. "Why are you crying? Please open up!" Percy yelled, then he had an idea. "

"Uh oh." Kathy Dalme muttered. "This can't be good."

" "Annabeth?

(Knock, knock, knock, knock)
Do you wanna talk about it?
Come on out, i'm right here
I never see you anymore
Come out the door
It's like you've gone away-
We used to be best buddies
And now we're not
I wish you would tell me why!-
Do you wanna talk about it?
It doesn't have to be about it." "

Several Rangers swooned and fainted from feels.

" "Go away, Percy." Annabeth sniffed.

"Never! (Knocking)
Do you wanna talk about it?
Or ride our chariot around the track?
I think some company is overdue
I've started talking to
The naiads in the sea.
(Hang in there, guys!)
It gets a little lonely
All these empty cabins
Just watching the hours tick by-
(Tic-Tock, Tic-Tock, Tic-Tock, Tic-Tock, Tic-Tock)

Please, I know you're in there,
People are asking why you're not here,
They say "have courage", and I'm trying to
I'm right out here for you, just let me in
We only have each other
It's just you and me
What are we gonna do?

Do you wanna talk about it?
Please tell me what's wrong Annabeth." "

Everyone was now either crying or face-palming at how much Percy was a Seaweed Brain.

" Then the door flew open, and a puffy-eyed Annabeth stood there. "You'll hate me if I tell you what's wrong."

"No I won't. I promise." He held out his arms, and she fell into them. Then she started crying.

Percy rubbed her back. "Now, what's wrong?" "

"AWWWWW!" Everyone cooed.

" "I'm pregnant." Annabeth sniffed. "

Chaos erupted everywhere. All of the Ranger were screaming their heads off.

"SILENCE!" Aphrodite yelled. Everyone shut up and got back in their seats. "Now, 23.) Frederick Chase

Mortals, Demigods and gods Meet Percabeth 2 [Sequel to meeting percabeth]Where stories live. Discover now